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func_train (sounds like a blue band!)


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I don't know if you can make a trigger_multiple be triggered by another func. BUT, you could make a system>trigger brush that's the exact dimensions of the train and located where the train ends up, make it into a trigger_multiple, and target it at the door. That way, when the train arrives, Kyle will trip the trigger no matter where in the train he's standing and the door will open. You could also make the door a toggle, and put another trigger so that when the train starts moving the door closes again. That's my best idea, anyways.

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It's not triggering it that is the problem--I can work that out. What I mean is, the door itself is actually part of the train. The door moves along with the train the whole journey, then when it arrives at its destination it slides back. Does anyone know how to do that?

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Well it most likely was done with scripting.




Are you sure that the train stops and then the door opens, or does the door open as the train stops. If the latter, then all you gotta do is have the door follow the same path as the train, then have the door stop just a little bit before the train does. This will give the illusion of the door opening.

Ex. Say the train goes 25 feet and stops. Then the door should go about 22 or 23 feet and stop, coming from the same starting position.


I hope that makes sense.

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