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The Knights of the Old Republic - The Profound PA


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The Knights of the Old Republic is full of impressive and remarkable members. Striving to defend everything that is just in the world, The Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), has distinguished itself as a PA to be reckoned with. Residing on the planet of Corellia, KOTOR hopes to protect all innocent people and oppress the Imperials.


KOTOR's Goals


KOTOR is primarilly a militeristic Player Association, so our first goal is to build a strong enough army to oppress the Imperials. Aside from gaining friendships, KOTOR also stresses the importance to have fun in the game.


What type of PA is KOTOR?


Although mostly a militeristic Player Association, KOTOR listens to all members requests, ideas, and comments. Members will have a say towards the Player Association, and everyone is willing to listen to ideas and comments. We also have a well led Resource faction for those that aren't interested in being in the military or starfleet.


KOTOR Contact


Site: http://www.kotorpa.com

Forums: http://www.kotorpa.com/forum

High Lord contact: valadon@kotorpa.com

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here we go again....


We, the lawful and dutiful citizens of the most glorious Galactic Empire the civilised galaxy has ever known in it's recorded history, will never be oppressed, or defeated. Not by those vicious, pathetic terrorists calling themselves the rebel alliance and not by a small, weak coallition on Corellia. The Empire will prevail, and the relative leniency granted to Corellia will be removed the moment action against lawful citizens is taken.


p.s. welcome to the forums, stick around and post some more!

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By Knights of the OLD Republic as our name, we mean we are warriors for the former republic (or old) that once stood. And, being that the Old Republic was peaceful (without civil war) we want to change it back to that way (In an RP sense)... So thats why we are a Rebel PA...


About us being Unoriginal; Yea, the name is in a video game, but its still cool... plus we didn't steal the name from the game... we stole it from the comics ;P


By the way, I am Valadon, one of two leaders and founders of the PA.

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1) We are very succesful with recruiting. We have probably had around 150 unique members in our existance, and we have anout 50 active right now (after closing recruitment for almost half a year).


2) The name does have a "pop". I think it sounds cool, being a Knight of something.

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