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Really Annoying Riddle


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Ok, here it is:


You're walking home from school (or work, as the case may be), and you decide to go through the woods. As you're walking down the path, you come upon a fork in the road, and there's a troll sitting there. One way leads home, and the other leads to doom, certain death adn destruction, ect., ect., ect. You can ask the troll a question to figure out which way to take, but only one. Catch: on some days he lies about everything, saying the opposite of the truth, and on others he tells the absolute truth. What one question do you ask to figure it out?


Now, some of you may be able to get it instantly, but i'm stuck. I've heard a similar riddle that i got, but it was with 2 people and 1 was a lier and the other told the truth. If you know the answer or figure it out, please tell me! I'm stumped!:confused::D

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You have to ask about which way, no other question will do.


To find out if he's lying or not then you could simply ask him what day it was or seomthing since you already know which day it is, but that wouldn't help you tell which way to go. But if you just ask him which way to go or anything similar you still wouldn't know if he was lying. There lies (;)) the problem. Since you can't ask him what the other would say and then go the opposite (as eets said) you are basically stuck.



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*looks at troll*


*looks down the path on the right side and sees a mob of angry ettins followed closely by richard simmons*


*looks down the path to the left and sees a neighborhood of candy houses, joyful spirits, streets paved with gold, and pretty pink elephants*



hmmmm... I think I'll take the ettins, pink elephants really creep me out :(:elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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This is very similar to another riddle, but more complex. The riddle I know is:


Your walking through some woods and come upon a fork in the road. Each fork is gaurded by a knight, one always tells the truth, the other always lies. One fork leads out and the other leads to death. You have only one question to find your way out. What do you ask?


the answer to that one is:

"Which way would the other knight tell me to go?"

If you asked the thurthful knight, he'll tell you one way, you go the other.

If you asked the liar, he'll tell you one way, you again go the other (both the same route to safety)


Your riddle is harder bc the knights are one being and don't have a set pattern of changing (i.e. one day truth, next day lie, next day truth, etc.)


hmmm....must think

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Originally posted by Eets

Maybe ask the troll: "If you had two different personalities, what would your other personality say if I asked him which way would bring me home?"


hmmm, I'll see if I can work out the logic behind this to arrive at the possible answer.


Truth: troll says one way, being that he's telling the truth, he would be telling you which way to go if he was lying, you therefore go the other way to safety.

Lying: troll says one way, being that he would lie about which way, he would tell you to go the wrong way...you would then go the other way....the same one as before.


This answer would work as long as Truthfulness and Lying could be described as "Personalities." In this case, I believe it can. Similar answer to my riddle above, but a little more logical thought required to figure it out. Well done, Eets!

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

hmmm, I'll see if I can work out the logic behind this to arrive at the possible answer.


Truth: troll says one way, being that he's telling the truth, he would be telling you which way to go if he was lying, you therefore go the other way to safety.

Lying: troll says one way, being that he would lie about which way, he would tell you to go the wrong way...you would then go the other way....the same one as before.


This answer would work as long as Truthfulness and Lying could be described as "Personalities." In this case, I believe it can. Similar answer to my riddle above, but a little more logical thought required to figure it out. Well done, Eets!


Oh yeah! I'm awesome! w00t! Who's yer daddy? *shakes his booty*

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No, i think eets is wrong. :D Lying and telling the truth aren't two different personalities, not in this case. Its not like he's has multiple personalities and switches between them, just that sometimes he lies and sometimes he tells the truth. simply asking him what he would say if he wasn't lying doesn't work for obvious reasons.


The whole point of the change in the riddle is to make it more difficult, or impossible, (impossible riddles are always fun for the person who asks them) so just using some cheap answer that doesn't even make logical sense isn't correct. There must be another answer.

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why would that not work?


If you gave the troll that situation and told him/her to answer the question it should work.


you could say something along the lines of...


"ok if you had 2 personalities, one that always tells the truth and one that always lies. Now you yourself are one of thouse 2 personalites, which way would the other personality say is the right way home?"



This should work just as homer decibed.



so with the question about eets and homer are right.

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