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WIP:Duel of the Fates SP


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To all those people who have been posting questions on various threads, post here instead - it just makes it easier for me! If you have any questions or anything you would like to see in the map post here.


I have a copy of LivingDeadJedi's map file to convert it into an SP map (with the permission of LivingDeadJedi:) ). I will be adding darth maul and the droids and the naboo starfighters etc...just like in the film. I'm currently learing icarus to create the in-game movies (im planning on making the naboo fighters fly out of the hanger in a cut-scene), so production is temporarily on hold until then, but the entire map should be done in about 2 months (yeah, i know its a long time but i have a lot of work to do). I would also like to learn how to create my own objectives and credits. If anyone knows and threads or tutorials about this id like to know! thanks


and here's my email for those who may want it: unholystrength@techie.com


:) :) :)

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You know, you could ask someone to make the yellow intro scrolling text to describe the map (hint hint). All that person that you pick *wink wink* is what you want it to say.


Has done the Intro Scrolling text for both AOTC:TC's, and for the JK1: TC, and helped the author of the Star Wars Episode III: A Jedi's Worst Fear Mod. So there is my previous work in action.

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that sounds like a brilliant idea and completly possible especially with the brilliant obiwan and qui gon models in production to go with the maul already released


the only problem i can see is the double bladed saber cos it aint in sp


you gonna try and fix that or just have maul with one blade?

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Great to hear your working on it m8

Texture thing in SP is a bit of a git hey :mad:

But remember feel free to change stuff to make it run smooth ALthough alot of SP maps even in real game lag slightly....



to make more in my map you could make the gridsize n worldspawn to 512 512 512


and theres something called distancecull that can be set so you dont see things at a certain distance, can have odd effects but cuts lag ALOT :D


Meanwhile, while you make this map im going to make my revamped carbonfreeze map, ive made core and its... well .... 4 times wider AND deeper than old map with no lag yet :D

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Originally posted by Merritt

im guessing you want to do it then. Sure if you want - but only if you tell me how to do it as well then i can do it in future! post here if you want to do it!:)


I posted the information on how to do it in the general editing forum. I didn't go into too much detail because it would be too long. You have to have some basic understanding on how to use Paint shop pro.

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We'll I had e-mailed LivingDeadJedi some time ago with the same intention - asking for a copy of his DOTF map to convert to SP. A bit miffed he's allowed someone else to use it & didn't even reply to me.


No sour grapes though. I'm am confident once I have my first completed map under my belt people may pay me more attention, although that may not be until Christmas time, but I may give people a preview once I get a few more rooms & scripts completed & get over the hurdle I am having scripting force push FUNC_STATICS.


I rather have the hang of most aspects of cinematic & entity move scripting so if you need any help just drop a post & we can excahnge via e-mail. I may use the handle Newbie1 but I am picking this mapping lark up quite quickly, although it doesn't make the process any quicker (apart from not having to spend a week learning to do something before I apply it.)


To Andy867 I want to produce the rolling text intro for a SP map I am working on called Closure, an epilogue as such to the end of Jedi Outcast. I have no clue about mask file editing & alpha channels. Tutorials I have downloaded ain't too good so I would appreciate some/any help & advice in producing one.

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newbie1 - whats your email? - id be happy to work with you. Also - how long ago did you email him cos i emailed him for the map in june or something!!!! i just didnt get round to much work on it cos i have loads of other work to do. Do you know how i might fix this custom textures problem? if i cant work out how to fix it im gunna have to change half of the entire map! :(


heres my email if you want to contact me:unholystrength@techie.com


(i normally go by the name of unholystrength when playing online)

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Given a little thought to basics of script example....


All NPC Droid are linked to target_Counter, in turn linked to USESCRIPT.


When all droids are dead first cinematic activates.


Script moves NPC_QuiGon say to point next to door which Maul will appear at & Player Obiwan moves point next to door, then made invisible/nosolide & NPC_Obiwan spawned in place for any animations.


Maul spawned on other side of door and moves to a point to trigger the door to open & any anims scripted with camera angles etc.


To get Maul to follow path through reactor to end room - a script to affect Maul so if health <75 move to first waypoint, if health <50 move to second waypoint & jump to platform etc.


To ensure Maul achieves Navgoals it may be necessary to set him run & walk speeds slightly higher than player & NPC Quigon to ensure he is not blocked & cut to shreds before he gets there. His block reactions etc. in NPC.cfg should be high so he lasts.


To avoid stupid NPC falls - NPC no entry brushes/shaders (I can't rember the exact erm for them) will need to be carefully placed in reactor area to avoid him delibrately jumping off edge but can be pushed.


Since Maul is fighting player & NPC he may need high starting health of 200 or more to go the distance. Obiwan could be set that his health initially cannot drop below 1 (or he is unvincible) so he would not die until the end room, when reaching that room set command in nulled.


It's your level so we can take it however you want it to.

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great idea with the counter for the droids and spawning maul! Although i was thinking about including a cut scene where all of the naboo fighters fly out of the hanger - i was gunna make this but you seem to be gud at scripting so you may want to do it. It will be VERY hard to do well though. this could be included before the characters are moved to the door


we have one main problem though - custom textures. If you load the map in sp loads of the custom textures dont load - we may have to re-texture half of the map with existin textures from the game. :( :(


please set up a hotmail account - it will make it much easier to talk to each other using msn messenger.

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Originally posted by Merritt

masked file - ? ive never used paint shop pro. sounds complicated. war master - you know the link to that thread?


I don't know the rules of the forum but I think I'm not supposed to do any cross forum posts or whatever you call it. I don't know.

The name of the thread is "starwars opening editing" by suckyModderDave. I also posted a grate tutorial that I used to create the text thing so you don't have to be an expert to create it. If you want to create the text for your own map I also posted the script you can use to do it.

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Originally posted by Andy867

You know, you could ask someone to make the yellow intro scrolling text to describe the map (hint hint). All that person that you pick *wink wink* is what you want it to say.


Has done the Intro Scrolling text for both AOTC:TC's, and for the JK1: TC, and helped the author of the Star Wars Episode III: A Jedi's Worst Fear Mod. So there is my previous work in action.


You neglected to *nudge nudge* :D


Merritt, I'll see if I can locate something in the coding forums. I'll add you to my hotmail account, if you like....PM me, if so.

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