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Mortals In Kombat Recruiting

Father Torque

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hey jk2 players i am in clan named the MIK"Mortals in Kombat" we are a small clan but we keep in touch alot easier that way the current list of members are

MIK Sub-Zero(CTF speacialist-co creator)

MIK Abbadonos (the leader)

MIK Kabal(Saber trainer-creator)

and our other member has not decided his name yet(Head recruiter)we have a website and are in the procces of making skins our clan motto now is Choose your destiny said by raiden in one of the movies,All the members of MIK have msn messenger or AOL and we have email "thats how we keep in touch,We usually play in Deuls,Free for Al, Team Free for All,and Capture the Flag. We have many allies and participate in many tournaments,we usually dont have scheduled practices "because every body needs to go to work or school so we arent pushy on that stuff we like to play at night or and alot on weekends. Also one of our clans friend has a server we could play on if we ask him he will probably say yes so if you have more questiones about the Mortals In Kombat email me at McKalister27@hotmail.com and thewebsite url is http://members.ispwest/xeno/hosted/mik/index.html thnx for reading this thread and i hope you would take intrest in the MIK

-MIK Sub-Zero

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Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooo i almost have 100 views but this is kind of screwy 15 peplies with 92 views i dont get how clans get so many replys why dont you people who dont like the clan just say the clan sucks i dont care just as long as you reply and then after you reply we suck ill hunt you down and cook ya:D

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