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A Special Favor

Devil Doll

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hello! I hope someone missed me too, i had a lot of work and i can´t came to aresen to post, ( I think no one missed me, but i just wanna write this)and this time i came to ask you something:


I´m being trained to became a jedi knight(or a sith, whatever i want :p) in SWC and one of my tasks is to make a crossover about what will happen if characters of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Batman and Star Wars movies or books meet, I´m doing my best, but i never heard about TRHPS, I seek on the internet, but that´s not enough for me to make a good crossover using TRHPS members, I just want to know if someone saw that movie and can give me information or a review about that movie, I will feel very happy if anyone can help me.



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