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To DEST!!!!!!!!!

Darth Maniac

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OK - I know you said you would not be able to do another version of Jedi Mod for a while but please hear me out.


Recently we have had loads of versions of Jedi Mod come out (Jediplus, PHATmod etc) which change the game way too much. I think most people agree that Jedi Mod Original is the best.


It just lacks ONE thing - Admin commands (Slap, Slay, Freeze, Silence etc). That is the sole reason some servers use JediPlus.


In my opinion if you could do just ONE more release of Jedi Mod to incorporate admin commands you could once again establish Jedi Mod as THE premier mod of choice for servers.


I dont want Jetpacks, Black sabers, and tweaked damage settings as default. All I want are some decent ADMIN commands.


And I beg you - O wise master of the modding world - to PLEASE add them to your otherwise perfect mod and make me and many other server admins very happy.


Thanks for listening.

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Who the hell are you to say that BOFH? Dest is more than welcome to do whatever the hell he wants, and I for one would definitely love to see him release JediMod with admin commands.


By the way, I read the readme and it still says "JediPLUS (JediMod ++)


Your god damn mod isn't JediMod++, it's JediPLUS...get it through your thick head.


As for the other features you have in JediPLUS, they are completely useless. The only reason why anyone even downloads it is simply because of the admin commands...so yes, we do need a good classic version of JediMod without all the extra useless garbage.

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BOFH - I would be grateful if you explain how to turn off the new sabers and the black sabers.


musashi122 - Admin commands are well useful. Sometimes the ability to slap or freeze a player can work wonders - it means you often do not have to kick them from the server as it kind of gives them the message. Also the MOTD features of admin allow more space to display the server rules and stuff like the server/clan website details.

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BOFH - If JediPLUS can be easily tweaked perhaps it would be a good idea to do a new readme from scratch as your current readme is based on the original JediMod with your bits inserted. A comprehensive readme file which really goes into clear detail about how these things can be changed would be a good idea.


Also we found some problems with the Jetpack in JediPLUS where people would freeze after using it and had trouble moving. I do not know if that is a problem with all Jetpack mods but you might want to know about it. Personally though I think jetpack is a real distraction in saber only servers (Like the DJC server) - with jetpack on saber duels become non existant as ppl are too busy flying around to actually bother playing the game.

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a) This thread will not become another BOFH bashing

b) Dest will release a new version of JediMod when he will have time, that means at least few more months till the break.


That's all for now




Please stay on topic of the thread - additions to Dest's Jedimod.

If you want to suggest to BOFH something do it in pm, not here. Thanks

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The situation with the jetpack has to do with the emotes and using it together.. (though this is off topic, im answering it here, any further replys, please create a thread or PM to me). If you remember the old grip/sit problem where ud get stuck. I am working on this problem.



Originally posted by Darth Maniac

BOFH - If JediPLUS can be easily tweaked perhaps it would be a good idea to do a new readme from scratch as your current readme is based on the original JediMod with your bits inserted. A comprehensive readme file which really goes into clear detail about how these things can be changed would be a good idea.


Also we found some problems with the Jetpack in JediPLUS where people would freeze after using it and had trouble moving. I do not know if that is a problem with all Jetpack mods but you might want to know about it. Personally though I think jetpack is a real distraction in saber only servers (Like the DJC server) - with jetpack on saber duels become non existant as ppl are too busy flying around to actually bother playing the game.

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Chrono: i never said that dest cound not do whatever the hell he wants. I just said that it was not necessary to release a version of JediMOD with features that I have already put into JediPLUS. (and i only left JediMOD++ in the readme so people wouldnt get confused about JediPLUS starting at v3.1)



Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Who the hell are you to say that BOFH? Dest is more than welcome to do whatever the hell he wants, and I for one would definitely love to see him release JediMod with admin commands.


By the way, I read the readme and it still says "JediPLUS (JediMod ++)


Your god damn mod isn't JediMod++, it's JediPLUS...get it through your thick head.


As for the other features you have in JediPLUS, they are completely useless. The only reason why anyone even downloads it is simply because of the admin commands...so yes, we do need a good classic version of JediMod without all the extra useless garbage.

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Well, that I can understand, but seriously man...come on. With your name on it you could have just called it "JediPlus v1.0" and put something in the readme that said "changed named from JediMod++ 3.0 and started over with totally new version" just as easy.


As for Dest, I simply meant that your mod isn't the only one allowed to have admin commands and all the cool JediMod stuff. I'm saying that if JediMod Official was released with admin commands, it wouldn't be pointless. And maybe it isn't necessary, but then again, half the features in your mod aren't necessary.


I gotta admit though, it has substantially gotten MUCH better since the first time you released it. It seems too hunky though.


Here's an idea then. Release something called JediPLUS lite, with JediMod functions and admin commands. Then you don't have to worry about the funky colored sabers (which look really tacky), and the jetpacks...you have to remember that there are servers out there that use saber-only...and all that unnecessary code DOES take up space on servers which could be used for other things. Trust me, I'm running a server.


Well, here's another proposition for you. I'm opening up a server soon myself. Make a stable version of JediPLUS (called lite I guess), with full admin commands, and JediMOD 1.2 code, nix the grappling hook (which is sorta irritating the way it works, unless you can turn it off) - put commands like "sleep" and "bunny mode" in there...and release it for me so I can have everything that I need on my server. In return, you'll be the first person I send my map to when I finish it (and it's already gaining popularity outside this forum with the beta testers, which includes ShroomDuck who has been a HUUUUUGE help).


If that sounds like a deal to you, fine. If not, I understand because I've been a total ass...but it seems like you should at least release a less "feature-oriented" version of JediPLUS that has the basic jedimod functions in addition to powerful admin commands.

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Yeah, I have no reason to do admin commands when bofh has already done them.


On another note, the black sabers are the ugliest thing ever and I personally think they should default to off.


The only other thing I might do with jk2 coding is to try and get the wiredlamp studios co-op mod to work with all maps.

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The black sabers now default to off. It was a bug in the bot libraries when i added them with the help of darcious that caused bots sabers to be default to black. Now everything should be proper in 3.5 (though the sabers will go to black if your colors are set too low.. Dont want anyone having a transparent saber. y'know?)

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Is there any way in Jedi Plus to COMPLETELY disable the use of custom sabers on a server so the players simply have the standard red/green/.blue/purple etc... sabers?


We tested 3.5 yesterday and people still were running around with black or white sabers.


Also one of our regulars complained the sabers were still modified - having a different slash glow effect than usual. Although I didnt notice myself, is this true and, again, is it possible to turn this off so players simply have the default sabers?

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Originally posted by Dest

The only other thing I might do with jk2 coding is to try and get the wiredlamp studios co-op mod to work with all maps.


Well, I'd recommend completing the damn thing first. The AI is basically turned off at the moment.


As for getting ALL maps to work with it, Raven and WLS have stated to that MP executable can't handle the size of the SP maps. So, we're basically stuck until Raven give us a improved executable or access to the engine code (not going to happen). :)

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Originally posted by Dest

Yeah, I have no reason to do admin commands when bofh has already done them.


On another note, the black sabers are the ugliest thing ever and I personally think they should default to off.


The only other thing I might do with jk2 coding is to try and get the wiredlamp studios co-op mod to work with all maps.


I haven't realy liked Jediplus all that much(No offence BOFH). I tried and tried, but it turns me off for some reason.

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