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objective based map Beta

Miggs the Just

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Just Finished a rough version of my map


Rebel Escape Beta 1.0


The Rebel Escape Beta 1.0

Author Miggs the Just


Install- Throw this PK3 in your base folder


Notes- Basicly to run the game the way I intended it you play this as a CTF game with flag count set to 1 and time limit of 20 min.


This is just a modified version of the FFA_Deathstar map. Right now in beta form it's pretty crude, but I wanted to test the gameplay before refigning the map.


Im working on changing the sounds and the flag models but for right now just try to live with it. If you can help me with this please E-mail me.


Please also let me know of any glitches or gameplay issues that come up, I really want the game smooth at this point before moving on.


This is not a mod so all mods should work with it.




General- The Rebels Have been captured and have to escape the Deathstar. First they will have to dissable the forcefield surrounding their ship. once the force field is deactivated they must steal the Deathstar plans from the control room. If the Rebels steal the plans and return them to their ship they win. If the Imperials can defend the plans for 20 mins they win.


Rebel Specific-you will be at a disadvantage weapon wise until the force field is deactivated. once the shield is down you can access the weapons in your ship. the force field is deacivated

by standing in front of the Forcefield generator and pressing the use button. A message will come up telling the team that the Field is deactivating. After disabling the field the Rebels must reach the Imperial control room on the second floor and steal the data plans (represented by the Red Flag) from the small containment booth. Any sealed doors can be hacked into by standing in front of the blue door control and pressing the use button.

Hacking into a door takes 1 minute. If you are killed and respawn in the detention area you must get an ally to release you. They can do this from any of the 4 droid terminals located throughout the level or at the detention area controls. The Terminals also open the garbage masher door. To win the data plans must be returned to the ship and transmitted (represented by the blue flag)


Empire Specific-As long as the Force Field surrounds the Rebel ship you are at an advantage weapon wise, protect the Generator! Your weapons locker is located in the conference room. the blast door on the second level can be sealed by pressing use by the door control but it can only be sealed once so use it wisely. Even after the door is sealed there are still ways

to reach the control room. Delay the Rebels at every opportunity any victory is yours.


Miggs the Just


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ok so I made a couple of quick changes to the map and I added a extras pack which changes the flag models and some of the sounds. Just go to this site and download the files (this is just until I get them up on jkii.net).


Rebel Escape Extras


razor I'll help u out with anything you guys need but this is really my first time with mapping/modding but let me know what you need I'll definitly do it.


I'd put the map on my own server but I cant run a dedicated on this crappy comp but I'd love to hear if anyone tries it out. Remember it is just a beta so it might not be perfect.

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I can't wait to try this mod out. I've been wanting to see something akin to UT's assault for JK2 since I got the game.


My computer is in the shop right now, and might be for a few more days, but when I get it back, you can be sure I'm going to play it! Hope to see more maps of this type coming out...


Great job! ; )



Hate to take away from development time, but could you post some screenshots of it in action?

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me too man, I bought the game plugged in the MP and I was shocked when there was no assult game mode. This is Star Wars!


But really all this is is somthing to keep us busy until the real assult mods. All I did was change some models and stuff to make it seem like assult when really its just a CTF map. I just did this to stimulate map makers to show them that we can have more complex maps than whats been released.


That being said, this is the first map I've ever made and it really doesnt look that pretty.


Oh you asked for screens...(they may be a bit dark)


this is the captured rebel ship




here I'm hacking the hangar door




And 1min later...




It looks like the Deathstar ffa map but I've made alot of changes like adding vent shafts




These are control nodes that rebels can use to free thier allies from detention




more comming...

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I guess you have to throw the link in your browser to get them visible.


some more


this is the Field generator where the rebels deactivate the Force Field around the ship








this is the new model for the red flag which represents the DeathStar Data Plans(I Know it's just a door lock)




this is the inside of the ship where the rebels take the plans to win (The console is the Blue Flag)




and here is the Imperial weapons bay and new Ordinance bay I'm working on for Beta 2






The best part is that this is not a mod so you can use any mod you want with it.

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