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Boy, you wouldn't believe the day I had at school.. There was a small eletrical fire in one of the bathrooms, and out of panic they told everyone to stay home (I already was there) But it turned out not so bad so they didn't cancel it, but they didn't bother to call everyone back to say "Come on over!", so there were only like 50 people total there...


And it was groovy, we played board games the whole time.

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groovy?:D man, you're so lucky. that'd never happen at my school! they'd just tell us not to go into that bathroom. the closest thing to that happening was when the water was out all over the school, so there was no bathrooms, sinks, water fountains, nothing, and then they only let us out a couple hours early.

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Originally posted by Jatt13

groovy?:D man, you're so lucky. that'd never happen at my school! they'd just tell us not to go into that bathroom. the closest thing to that happening was when the water was out all over the school, so there was no bathrooms, sinks, water fountains, nothing, and then they only let us out a couple hours early.


Pfffft.....happened to me in elementary...we were just moved to another one of the schools, and we were even brought back without water...they just had a huge tank outside of the cafeteria we were expected to use......(for drinking only for those of you with sick minds...we could still use the bathrooms)


Although with Clefo's situation...WE had a fire in the air conditioning (don't ask) and were brought outside. We stayed there for almost an hour (just sat there in the back of the schoolyard NOTHING to do) and we went back into the school...sad, eh?

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alright here's my story - it didn't happen at school it happened at work.


I work graveyard shift at a rather medium sized warehouse. NE ways. I work in the office...all by my lonesome and then there are the warehouse employee's outside in the warehouse filling orders. ANYWAYS. A rumor got totally out of control right after the September 11th bombing last year. Apparently and I'll tell you in the order I heard the rumors...


We had a cleaning guy who was from afganistan freak out. He was blocking fire extinguishers with trash bins etc. He was walking around blessing everyone and scaring the bee geezus out of everyone. Well everyone started to panic.


See we carry a lot of haz material here. Including "scary gas" which is this special gas that dr's and etc use to Sterilize their needles and such with. Well if even one of these canisters breaks in a trailer it will suck all the oxygen out of the trailer and if you open it - you will die. So....people were going....did he steal scary gas.


Did he plant a bomb??


Well people started to get more and more worked up. The guy left the warehouse and was still a little freaky. It was his last day to work here because he said he was going "back home to his country".


AHHH - okay so by that point I was getting scared to. I did not feel comfortable being in a warehouse FULL of boxes...and maybe in one of those some crazy man who I never saw could have planted a bomb and is right now on a plane praising alah. I mean really I didn't know. I wanted to go home!!


Well they pulled the fire drill and everyone went to there meeting spots and they announced that there was a worker here from an outside company and he was acting strange and was scaring people. If we wanted to go home we could = just take vacation for it. Or we could stay and work. Meanwhile the police were right all by our warehouse. But the creapy part was...they were parked FAR AWAY. hum...


So opted GO HOME. No need to blow up senselessly. I knew it was a long shot that they would find a bomb....but you know...I bet if those people from the WTC's were told hey a plane might hit today....might not. Some people would have lived! So I went home!


They searched the warehouse with dogs etc and the police went to the guys house. Turns out he was Puerto Rican - had just had a huge fight with his wife - distraught over getting a divorse and had no plans to go back to his "home country". Hum.


Never heard about it again...

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