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Masters of the Force Animated Logo Contest


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I'd like to announce the Masters of the Force Animated Logo Contest. The purpose of the contest is to find a animated logo, similar to JK2 logo in concept for MotF.


If you don't know what Masters of the Force is, go here...


The winner's logo will become the official logo for MotF and will be used repeatedly in the Mod. The winner WILL be full credited for his/she work. In addition, depending on the winner's will, they may be called on to adapt the logo to the Mod's needs (AKA size, format changes, etc.)


The requirements are to create an animated logo that matches the MotF theme. The logo CAN be static but must have some sort of intro or outro animation (For use in the startup screen or a possible intro sequence.) 2D or 3D. Length is unimportant. We're not picky about what it like, but we want something catchy like the JK2 Logo. Sounds are a plus but not required. The format of the logo is up to you, but it has to be in a format that we can view. :)


PM me to get the submission address. I don't like posting my email addresses inside posts...


The winner will be decided by me and whoever else on the MotF team that is interested in judging. Don't worry, submitters can't be one of the judges.


Thank you and good luck!


Razor Ace

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