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WIP: Optimus Prime, By Sithlordii and me...


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heh toonces my skins get everywhere nowadays!


no scourge type person i'm afraid. You can make your own skin tho when the model comes out. which reminds any good skinners wanna do a skin for him? I don't think mike would mind if we had some different talent on this guy..... kman i'm thinking you baby!


I am in the process of a battle damaged prime... i may or may not complete it. I am getting tired now.



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Originally posted by icepool

As far as making a decepticon I think megatron would be better than galvatron since Megatron and Optimus Prime were arch enimies. Im pretty sure if I remeber right Megatron became Galvatron in a pit of lava sort of like anakin to Vader.:rolleyes:

Indeed, Megatron became Galvatron. When he killed Optimus and was heavily damaged Starscream threw him out of Astrotrain. Eventually Unicron gave Megatron a new body and called him Galvatron. After a battle with the new born Rodimus Prime Galvatron was thrown out of Unicron and landed in a Plasma bath where he rested. Later Cyclonus and the sweeps came to bring him back.

So it's not exactly like Anakin to Vader ;)

When Optimus Prime was resurrected later Rodimus became Hot Rod again and from then on Galvatron and Optimus were archenemies as well as Megatron and Optimus were, so personally I think Galvatron would not be a bad choise (especially since Galvatron is my favourite of all times :) )

(And the RID Scourge.)

Well this was kind of off-topic, just wanted to let you know.

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always funny how not only the characters change, but didn't really, so did the toy line. The evil optimus reminds me of the newly release Scourge figure, but if you look at that...the new scource is just a new paint job on the Generation 2 optimus prime mold, (http://www.botcollector.com/TFInfo.asp?ID=373) so by doing the Transformers association game...you can almost say that the Evil Optimus skin is Scourge.




Oh yes, the grill looks much better now. What poly count is he at?

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To Arco and Sithlord-II,

I have not much time lately, so I think I won't make new models in the near future, but I would really like to have that RiD Scourge.

So I thought, maybe I could edit your Optimus when it's finished.

Of course I respect your work and when you say you don't want it, I won't do it.

But it doesn't cost anything to ask.

It would save a lot of work with the legs, hands and head, so please think about it before you say "no". ;)

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Well, how many of you guys out there would like to see a good ole megatron model? Well I finished the mesh on my Cloud model but I just can't get all the kinks out of it for some reason. I started it over in a low poly version (the polycount on the original cloud was pretty big so it wouldn't work on crappy comps). I'm thinkin it probably wouldn't take long to make a Megatron (block man deluxe :)). I've started on him a lil'. I have the torso and hips nearly completed leaving only the head arms and legs left. If people actually want him I might release him if not, I guess I'll continue on cloud.

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Oh ummmm. Well, I have already Finished the mesh and nearly done UVMapping it and started skinning the head.........

That's basically all I've worked on for 2 days heh. I wouldn't have started it if I had known. I expect to have it in game by the beginning of next week (probably Tues. or Wed.). I don't exactly know what to say. I guess I'll just go ahead and finish mine since it's already so near completion. That'll tide the people over for yours since you're the more "recognized" and experienced modeler. If nothing else I'll have fun playing with my Megatron and that's all that matters. I've had a blast makin him and can't wait to get the rest of him in Photoshop :)

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I have sad news for you jk2 types. Mike and I have decided to stop trying to get this badboy ingame. He just won't weight properly and it is too hard to get him to animate to the animations. But we are still going to put him in ut2k3 and we are still gonna make the best megatron posible. No jedi optimus from us guys.



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Well guys, if you want you can send it over to me and I'll try my best to get it in game, I don't see why it wouldn't actually "go" ingame but I can see where animation might be a problem. Also, Sithlordii, I am going to release some renders of Megatron once I get a rough skin on him b/c w/o the skin he looks odd in these renders I already have. I have about half of his face skinned roughly (keep that in mind, roughly lol). I should be able to post a decent head skin by later today or later tomorrow.

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nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not getting unreal 2k3 , :( i think its the same as the first one tarted up.( <---this opinion to be changed when u2k3 and optimous prime realeses over net :D )




P.S when ppl goto unreal2k3 and model are they all gonna run to doom3 when that comes out :( oh man my heads so confused :confused:


edit:oh midget ur da man

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hi guys... yeah, i'm sorry about this, i was hoping to be able to get him to work in JK2... but unfortunately, that will only happen with some *severe* modifications and design changes that go beyond just how i modeled him, it goes into optimus's design itself, and i didn't want to stray too far from his basic design.... regardless of what changes i may have made to him for sizing and such i tried to stay faithful to the material and i feel i cannot do that without ending up with a horribly butchered version. The model and the JK2 skeleton just do not agree with each other...


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Sithlordii, I just experienced your problem with my Megatron. The chest needs to be wider than the collar bones are on the model. I tried stretching them but then it just mucked up the widths of the arms and stuff. Then I tried again to get the chest to look "normal" with out editing the skeleton and I just couldn't do it, so I'm makin mine lower poly (about 1000) and putting it in Unreal Tournament for now and I'll use the higher poly version for Unreal Tournament 2003 (and it'll be better because I fixed the proportion problem).

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yeah.... its a pain in the butt, eh?

i figure i'd sooner have the model as originally intended than to have to hack it up... it wouldn't be so bad if it was a human model but for something like optimus, its too hard to fit him to the skeleton and still have him look like optimus, whilst animating decently


oh well... onto bigger and better things i guess.... i do hope there is some way eventually to put him in as he should be...

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Well the Gundam Models are more Human based and human proportioned than Transformers are. Plus I think they were edited TO fit the JK2 skeleton unlike myself and sithlordii want to do.

Sithlordii, I don't know if you are going to or not but my megatron (now the right proportions) is low enough poly to get into UT so that's what I'm workin sorta on as a side project. Also I am glad you decided to come back heh.

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