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comedy in maps


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I think it's so tacky that some map makers try to be funny with additions that aren't in the movie. For example, in the jedi council map there is a part that says Windu's Bar and Grill. Most of players want maps to be movie-like. If map makers put these additions in, then it is not true to the movies.

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Originally posted by bernman

I think it's so tacky that some map makers try to be funny with additions that aren't in the movie. For example, in the jedi council map there is a part that says Windu's Bar and Grill. Most of players want maps to be movie-like. If map makers put these additions in, then it is not true to the movies.


The previous version didn't have it... the map was made for a server, actually, called JediCouncil[O] jedimod1.2


Windu is one of the admins, so Griffin (one of the [O] members) added the sign onto the bacta bar, honoring him.



And you should remember that it's THEIR maps, you're just playing in them.

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Originally posted by Psionic Jedi

And you should remember that it's THEIR maps, you're just playing in them.



I agree


And I add, if you have nothing good to say dont say anything at all. Lots of time and hard work is put into these maps.


BTW I like that map

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I don't use addon maps much, as I'm not interested in fighting in film-locations, unless they're also GOOD MAPS. With a good dynamic. There are so few like that...


But if I ever wanted to pretend to be Obi-Wan on Kamino or something, and if a sign saying "Jango's Tanning Salon" appeared in front of me, I don't think I'd be laughing. I think I'd be trying to ignore it.


its is funny, so we like it!


Uh-huh. If you think the drivel people throw into maps to try to be "funny" is at all amusing, may I suggest you undergo psychosurgery immediately.


Spider's Mapmaking Lesson No. 1:


Don't try to be funny. If you were funny, you'd be comedians. When you try to be funny, remember that the funniest thing about your map will always be the fact that you thought you could be funny in the first place. Stick to making authentic maps.

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I think we are all lucky to have the talented mappers we do, and that they share their maps with us. After all they make them in their own time and then offer them to us for FREE. You dont HAVE to use anyones map or even install it. Its ultimately your decision.

Complaining about what they may put in them is really unappreciative and childish at best.

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I think we are all lucky to have the talented mappers we do, and that they share their maps with us.


Praise be, we are lucky indeed.


Complaining about what they may put in them is really unappreciative and childish at best.


I bet you defend George Lucas too. Three words: Jar, Jar and Binks. Just because Lucas made the films, doesn't mean he's immune to criticism. He should LISTEN to it and improve. Lucas tries to be funny too. He's TERRIBLE at it, and he should curl up in shame at the crap he put into the prequels, and to a lesser extent RotJ. Pratfalling furry midgets, that's REAL mature.


Lucas does what some mapmakers do. He tries to be funny, and ends up being obnoxious and annoying.


Final word: If you're trying to make a serious map, that feels real and has atmosphere, don't ruin it by trying to be funny. It just spoils the atmosphere you've tried so hard to build with your architecture, lighting and sound.

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Blaming all the failings of the prequels on an attempt to be funny is miles off the mark (try bad dialogue and a lack of engaging characters). In TPM the relationship between Obiwan and Quigon is far too serious and as they drone lines like 'focus on the living force my young padawan' the film cries out for a sharp talking Han Solo character.


Han Solo is a good example of how humour is used successfully in the original trilogy, with his one liners- 'Sorry about the mess'-

his relationship with Leia -'Whose scruffy looking?'- and so on. R2 and C3PO are another example. So humour can be good in Star Wars if done well, although I'm yet to see a funny map.


(I can spell honest, but only in a UK style)

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Originally posted by Spider AL


Praise be, we are lucky indeed.




I bet you defend George Lucas too. Three words: Jar, Jar and Binks. Just because Lucas made the films, doesn't mean he's immune to criticism. He should LISTEN to it and improve. Lucas tries to be funny too. He's TERRIBLE at it, and he should curl up in shame at the crap he put into the prequels, and to a lesser extent RotJ. Pratfalling furry midgets, that's REAL mature.


Lucas does what some mapmakers do. He tries to be funny, and ends up being obnoxious and annoying.


Final word: If you're trying to make a serious map, that feels real and has atmosphere, don't ruin it by trying to be funny. It just spoils the atmosphere you've tried so hard to build with your architecture, lighting and sound.



My point was if you dont like them, dont use them, or better yet, make your own maps.


Also, about your critique of Lucas' lack of skill in being funny.....I seriousely doubt your opinion causes him to lose any sleep or money.



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Blaming all the failings of the prequels on an attempt to be funny is miles off the mark


It would be miles off the mark, if I had done so. I did not. I pointed out the buttock-clenchingly bad attempts of humour in the prequels... I did not say for one moment that they were the cause of ALL the failings of those films. ;)


Han Solo is a good example of how humour is used successfully in the original trilogy


You'll get no argument from me on that score matey, Harrison Ford made the best of some truly bad lines.


My point was if you dont like them, dont use them


I take it you didn't note the paragraph in my previous post, detailing exactly why I don't use many addon maps. It's because most mapmakers have no idea about flow and gameplay... still less have any idea about weapon and powerup placement, and even fewer can engender atmosphere into their maps.


Oh, and the remainder try to be funny. So I use a grand total of three addon maps.


Also, about your critique of Lucas' lack of skill in being funny.....I seriousely doubt your opinion causes him to lose any sleep or money.


Lol, and I doubt he gives a talking-fig about your staunch defence of him, sonny-Jim. The fact remains however, that he is feeble and crap at humour among many other things. Perhaps if he payed attention to some of the better written reviews of his films in major newspapers and intellectually acceptable film magazines, he'd refrain from his obvious mistakes.


So there's a lesson to be learned for mapmakers: Pay attention to criticism. You don't have to like it, but take the ideas on board.

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Originally posted by Spider AL


lol, and I doubt he gives a talking-fig about your staunch defence of him, sonny-Jim. The fact remains however, that he is feeble and crap at humour among many other things. Perhaps if he payed attention to some of the better written reviews of his films in major newspapers and intellectually acceptable film magazines, he'd refrain from his obvious mistakes.


So there's a lesson to be learned for mapmakers: Pay attention to criticism. You don't have to like it, but take the ideas on board.



The FACT remains he managed to create something as huge as the Star Wars Universe and all that acompanies it, despite YOUR critique of him. I am sure he accepts criticism from those who have something intelligent to say. I am not defending him, just stating fact. Everyone has their own opinions, that is a fact of life. Most people whom are critical by nature are so because they cant do, so they find fault with those that can.


There is a big difference from making a suggestion to improve something versus being critical. When you make your first map be sure to let all of us know so we can try it out.



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The FACT remains he managed to create something as huge as the Star Wars Universe and all that acompanies it, despite YOUR critique of him.


Haw! Naive. Lucas has had no personal hand in the Expanded Universe. Games? No. :) As for the films, well the prequels are obviously inferior, and of the original trilogy, Lucas only wrote the screenplay/directed ANH. He has admitted that he cannibalised the concept for the films from dozens of Japanese movies and endless eastern philosophical references. Chi, of Chinese mythology and complementary medicine, is the Force.


So please, give your Lucas-hero-worship a rest. He made a great movie when he was a young and fervent film-maker, but IMO he was lucky in the skilled, yet unknown cast. From then until now, he's been trying his VERY best to ruin the whole franchise. :D


Most people whom are critical by nature are so because they cant do...
When you make your first map be sure to let all of us know


Oh please, is this the limit of your argument? "J00 cnat mkae maps so shut 0p!!!!11" Why don't you go over to Massassi.net. I released some original JK maps over there, of particular interest is the last and best of my released creations, "Nearness of the Bogan." So don't even start with that tired old riposte. I know all about the process of making levels, and I know what makes good levels good, and bad levels bad, when compared to their peers.


And you could read a couple of my reviews at http://www.massassi.net/reviews/ which typify my experience when it comes to critique and analysis.


Oh, and I possess perhaps the most important qualification necessary to be a critic: I know the game well. Few can tell if a level is good to play or not... I can. I don't just bibble about waving my lightsabre and going "oooh" at all the pretty architecture, unlike some.


So off you go, check it out.


/me waves



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Originally posted by Spider AL


Haw! Naive. Lucas has had no personal hand in the Expanded Universe. Games? No. :) As for the films, well the prequels are obviously inferior, and of the original trilogy, Lucas only wrote the screenplay/directed ANH. He has admitted that he cannibalised the concept for the films from dozens of Japanese movies and endless eastern philosophical references. Chi, of Chinese mythology and complementary medicine, is the Force.


So please, give your Lucas-hero-worship a rest. He made a great movie when he was a young and fervent film-maker, but IMO he was lucky in the skilled, yet unknown cast. From then until now, he's been trying his VERY best to ruin the whole franchise. :D




Oh please, is this the limit of your argument? "J00 cnat mkae maps so shut 0p!!!!11" Why don't you go over to Massassi.net. I released some original JK maps over there, of particular interest is the last and best of my released creations, "Nearness of the Bogan." So don't even start with that tired old riposte. I know all about the process of making levels, and I know what makes good levels good, and bad levels bad, when compared to their peers.


And you could read a couple of my reviews at http://www.massassi.net/reviews/ which typify my experience when it comes to critique and analysis.


Oh, and I possess perhaps the most important qualification necessary to be a critic: I know the game well. Few can tell if a level is good to play or not... I can. I don't just bibble about waving my lightsabre and going "oooh" at all the pretty architecture, unlike some.


So off you go, check it out.


/me waves






Like it or not, Lucas had a vision. It succeded. Until you do the same your just another loudmouth blowing smoke.


*adds you to ignore list*

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Oooh, quoting my entire message. That was sensible, and not a waste of space at all. :)


Still, the more of ME there is in this thread, the better. Mwahahhr. :D


Lucas had a vision.


Ooh, a holy vision. Hee hee hee, I love it when the fanboys pop out of the woodwork. You love Georgey, don't you. :rolleyes:


Until you do the same your just another loudmouth blowing smoke.


Okay... you mean I have to make a film as big at the box office as Star Wars before I have the right to call George Lucas an idiot? Ohhh-kay.


My young friend, one does not have to be one, to know one. For example I am not a raving buffoon, yet I can clearly see that you...


Ehh, I won't go there. Too easy. :D

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