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Obi-Wan followed up?


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We can only hope not. :) Obi Wan was actually not only one of LucasArts' worst games but one of the worst games made by anyone. You don't want a sequal to Obi Wan. ;) I bet you'll really like Jedi Outcast when it comes to the Xbox later this year. It's like Obi Wan only about 10x better. Do you know about it or do you want some info?

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The handling of the saber sucked? How can you say that? :eek: It's one of the greatest feats ever pulled off in any game. What didn't you like about it? :confused: You liked the handling in Obi Wan but not in Jedi Outcast? :eek: Obi Wan's was atrocious. Maybe you just got used to how Obi Wans worked so JOs felt odd. I'm sure you'd absolutely love the way it works in JO if you got to play it for a while. :) The Xbox version of Jedi Outcast will be out in November. Obi Wan didn't even have all the cool force powers. :eek:


There's also a few more AotC games coming out this year that I bet you'll like.

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In jedi outcast, i didnt like how the side you swing the saber to, is the direction you move to, and yes i did get used to Obiwan and liked it, but the saber combinations were limited in obi wan. Im sure outcast's handeling was good, but i like obi wan's handeling better. Everyones gaming style is different, and thats just my opinion. I agree the force powers were also limited, but i was amazed by them at first, being that Obi-Wan was my first Star WArs game.

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yes Boba Rhett im supriesed too.:( Obi wan was one of the worst games and jedi outcast is one of the best. I always thought the saber handling was the best way to play with a saber. there is another opition, you can make the saber moves like jedi power battles but thats the smash button skill that gets old.:p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Poor guy.......that's the first person I've seen that liked Obi-wan (and probably the last) and its controls.


Everybody's different, I guess......:confused:


I am very much looking forward to JO this fall and KOTOR next spring. :D


I liked Obi-Wan. I didn't think it was a good game. But I liked it in the same way I liked TPM. I liked the saber control for Obiwan cause you could control where it went and how it swung.

IMHO it had the best saber control of any Star wars game yet. Because you could stand still and swign the saber where you wanted it to go and not have to go in the direction of the swing(like buzdapimp said).


For anyone who was waiting for Obiwan since they announced it, it sucked. Maybe buzdapimp wasn't following it like the rest of us were.

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