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Originally posted by GonkH8er:


everyone calm down. no more flaming


You're the boss h8, I will therefore write some replies, in this post, without so much as a smidgeon of ire. Watch the mast0r of unflappable civility at work, people. Mwahahar!


/me gloats


Ahem. Where was I? Ah yes.



Originally posted by FatalStrike:



-You're wrong about the BS in 1.02

-You're wrong about saber v guns in 1.02

-You're pathetic Speed and absorb strat is pathetic and would only serve to get you killed in 1.02


I fear it is you who is incorrect, Fatal. Firstly and most obviously, gunners in 1.02 had no earthly problem in dispatching even the most devious of sabre fanatics. Any gunner worth his salt would find no problem in avoiding even 1.02's DFA, and every gunner worth his salt, back in the day, had absorb-timing comparable to my own. I recall vividly the manic battles between gunners, both expert at keeping their distance from each other and absorb up to block pull and drain... Ah, those were indeed the days. Oh wait, it's the same in 1.04. Oh well.


Frankly I think you suffer from overzealous nostalgia. 1.02 wasn't as different from 1.04 as you seem to think. Gunners inevitably ruled the day, and anyone caught waving a breadstick around got shot. In fact, 1.02's balance was so biased in favour of guns, that I made some of my very fastest victories in 1.02.


Notable among these is the time I was the first in a public match to reach the score limit of 20,.. in just over sixty seconds. Using only an Imperial Repeater. The screenshot gives me a warm glow every time I look at it.


Perhaps nowadays in the few 1.02 servers that still exist, people play mostly using the sabre... precisely because they are like you, and cling to the belief that 1.02 was biased in the sabre's favour. But if any of the ancient gunners, people such as Detritic, were still playing 1.02, It's a foregone conclusion that you'd be exposed to reality quite quickly. But we've moved on to 1.04 because it's obvious to us that 1.04 is an improvement over 1.03, aspects of which you love so much.


Vis-a-vis your apparent contempt for Absorb as a power in 1.02, (perhaps you favour Drain/Rage, who knows) I have used absorb in every match I have played since the beginning of April, and quite frankly I haven't lost much. My FFA record stood at 751 matches played, 726 matches won, in mid-august. (I have yet to add the games from the past two months to the total.) At that time my killtracker had registered almost 35,000 FFA kills. That is a powerful advertisment for the use of Absorb.


And when 1.03 came out and nerfed Drain, the fact remains I was at the time undefeated in FF duel matches, in which I used Absorb exclusively. Nobody, whether they used drain, rage, absorb or protection, could stand against me. Another demonstration of the power of Absorb.


With regards to 1.02 CTF, I used exclusively a combination of speed, absorb and strafe-jumping in my self-appointed capacity as flag-carrier. The same tactic is useful today in 1.04, and it was useful in 1.03. When activation of each power was timed correctly, one's approach to the enemy base carefully vectored and one's escape route planned, nobody could, and nobody can stop one who uses this technique, in combination with weapons skill and judicious use of pull.


Today, Fatal, you may like to play the utterly pointless 1.02 "sabres-only CTF" using Rage, or rolling, or whatever it is you like to use... but the techniques I use are inherently stronger across the board, in ALL game modes, though some require more practice and research, than your techniques may do.


Originally posted by FatalStrike:


In fact its people like you who wanted to get rid of powerful hits that brought about 1.03.


Actually it was people like yourself, who demanded that the sabre be more powerful than guns, who brought about 1.03. And you're trying to do it again. But we won't let you, don't worry.


As for powerful hits, there are plenty in 1.04. The fact that you lack the skill to use them, is not my concern, nor the concern of the community at large.


Originally posted by FatalStrike:


So while Omega and I are right in saying sabers in 1.02 were strong against weapons


Oh I very much doubt that an experienced 1.02 gunner would have much trouble killing yourself OR omega ten times out of ten, if you chose to use only the sabre against him. You're looking at 1.02 through a rose-tinted brain, meladdo. ;)


Originally posted by FatalStrike:


You over simplified the saber by calling it a melee weapon.


I presume you're unaware of what a melee weapon is? As roughly as I can put it, a melee weapon is a hand-held weapon. In fact one could say that a melee weapon is anything one can use as a weapon, except projectile weapons such as guns. But, guns can also be used as melee weapons in real life, by (for instance) whacking someone round the head with them. Melee weapons such as swords or knives can also be thrown, though their accuracy would depend on whether they had been designed as a throwing weapon also, such as the nordic double-headed axe.


So yup, the sabre is a melee weapon. I'm sorry I had to break it to you, but the sabre is indeed a weapon that is designed for close-combat, and anyone who tries to fight with a sabre at long range is misguided at best.


The fact that you wish to empower the sabre further in order that you might use the sabre against gunners, is laughable.


That's why you liked the idiotically overpowered moves in 1.03, one would surmise. And the fact that even those with pull stocked fully could be knocked down with it? And the fact that one could hover using the lightsabre? lol.


You like so many things about 1.03, what DIDN'T you like about it? The fact that you adore so MUCH of it, means you're a 1.03 lover, despite your many protestations to the contrary. ;)


Originally posted by FatalStrike:


Since you such a hot shot please post the servers you frequent so all of us can come and bask in your glory. I really would liket o see you pull this great "1.04 1 hit kill" on me.


Oh by ALL means!


I play on the Blueyonder and Jolt duel servers, I play on the Boomtown and Gamesdomain FFA servers, and the CTF servers on all the above networks. Hope to see you there! Nay, I EXPECT to see you there. Mohohohm.


Originally posted by Guardian Omega:


So, Spider, why don't ya try playing 1.02 for a while


Hmm, how very misguided, my young friend. Read Detritic's post again, if any doubt remains. :)

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Oh by ALL means!


I play on the Blueyonder and Jolt duel servers, I play on the Boomtown and Gamesdomain FFA servers, and the CTF servers on all the above networks. Hope to see you there! Nay, I EXPECT to see you there. Mohohohm.


LOL he'll never show up, I challenged him and he chickened out.

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I am considered a "good " player (guns), in that I support teammates and I can use every gun in the game with pretty good effectiveness. There are a few players who are better than me who I enjoy playing, they offer me the change to improve my skills. Only after I have increased myself to their level would I ever challenge Spider.


Seriously, don't go into a game with Spider unless he's on your team.

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega


To Spider-AL: Well I did, look at my last post.


I fear I must assume by default that any apology/request for forgiveness that is closely followed by an image of a little yellow face poking its tongue out at me, is not sincere. An 'A' for effort though. Oh wait, that begins with an 'E'... :p


Originally posted by Guardian Omega


And I am curious to see how saber vs. gun in 1.02 is still practically the same in 1.04, I think the saber dm is higher, yes? Tell me that and I'll withdraw, since I am now just curious about that.


Well I'm glad you asked. The definitive answer is this: Sabre damage would have to increase to instant-kill proportions for the sabre-only player to ever rival the gunner for kills, and killing power. Quite simply, unless you get the drop on a gunner and kill him in the first hit, as I sometimes manage to do with the current sabre damage, you're dead. Only by making every heavy hit an instant-kill could the sabreists rival gunners.


Now the real difference between 1.02 and 1.04 vis-a-vis sabres is the removal of the swivelling of the DFA move. In 1.02, one was able to swivel from side to side and deal damage in a big circle, AFTER the move had come to a stop. In other words, very buggy. Now, this meant that sabreists killed proportionately more gunners in 1.02 than they do now in 1.04. But quite frankly, the buggy DFA was making duel servers and indeed sabre-only FFA, a one-move-only affair, and I don't think any of us bought JO to play "Pong" with better graphics.


But the fact remains that even with one-hit-kill moves all over the place, DFAs, backswing combos in 1.03 etc... Gunners still won every guns FFA they played in. Even with the ammo consumption ramped stupidly high in 1.03, gunners still won. 1.03 was perhaps the version most biased in favour of lightsabre-only fanatics, and one could construct a pretty solid argument for the case that there's a huge difference between 1.03 and 1.04,..


But 1.02 and 1.04 had basically the same ammo consumption and the rarely used pull/DFA combo in 1.02 was harder to pull off than the oft-used pull/BS combo in 1.03, so I have no qualms about saying that the gun/sabre balance in 1.02 was quite comparable to the gun/sabre balance in 1.04.


I hope that answers your question.


Originally posted by Jah Warrior


LOL he'll never show up, I challenged him and he chickened out.


Well that's up to him. He has decided to challenge me, I've named my haunts and accepted. Now whether he chooses to seek me out or not is his affair. If he is- as you say- a coward, it will become clear over the course of the next week. I'll be playing for at least 45 minutes every night this week on the servers I've listed above, for anyone who wants a game. [FW] Spider AL, for those that need a complete string.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


LOL he'll never show up, I challenged him and he chickened out.


:rolleyes: no you challenged me to play on your breadstick ProMod server. Sorry champ but I declined for two reasons..


1- I have no interest in playing any duels with weakened sabers


2- It wouldn't have proved anything. You have your thoughts I have mine.


Also please note that I told you to show up at Arti's server, never did see you there. Whenever you wish to switch from the flash lights you fight with to something more interesting go to Arti's server and find me. So please, don't come here with "chickened out" accusations, being that you refused to meet me at Atrifex's.



Spider I will take Det's word that you have played 1.02 but the gameplay must have changed dramatically. Your CTF tactics have long since died in 1.02 since they have a funny way of getting you killed.


Also when comparing 1.02 and 1.04 sabers to guns you failed to note that on ladders, 1.04 is played in its vanilla form. Thus sabers are set far weaker then what you appear to be playing. Thus for competition purposes 1.02 saber users had a much higher chance of of winning.


Also you asked what I did not like about 1.03


-ass fighting (caused by the blocking system)

-pull + BS was over used

-Random blocking (hate it in 1.04 too)

-Slow downs in foot speed while swinging the saber in different stances


So please stop with you nonsense about me liking 1.03. I couldn't stand it. 1.04 is playable but still slow and dull compared to the original.



I will show up at your server soon enough. I have been playing much Unreal 2003 lately and will be glad to fire up the old JKII just for you :D



Cjais - was there a point to your post? Did I hurt your feelings in the past? If I did let me know and I will FedEx you a tissue.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

I'll be playing for at least 45 minutes every night this week on the servers I've listed above, for anyone who wants a game. [FW] Spider AL, for those that need a complete string.


What time zone are you in? I am in Eastern USA so let me know so I can find you.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ



I am considered a "good " player (guns), in that I support teammates and I can use every gun in the game with pretty good effectiveness. There are a few players who are better than me who I enjoy playing, they offer me the change to improve my skills. Only after I have increased myself to their level would I ever challenge Spider.


Seriously, don't go into a game with Spider unless he's on your team.


A saber challenge is what I am looking for. JKII guns became rather dry since I got Unreal 2003. They seem almost cartoonish to me now. Honestly if they do make a JK3 they need to add a little grit to the game. I wouldn't mine some beter taunts, a little blood, and weapons that don't spit out gumballs.

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Thus sabers are set far weaker then what you appear to be playing


Nonsense as usual, you obviously lack the skill necessary to use the 1.04 sabre efficiently, as I play on servers with default sabre damage scale.


Your CTF tactics have long since died in 1.02


Nonsense, you obviously lack the skill to use the techniques to their fullest advantage.


JKII guns became rather dry since I got Unreal 2003. They seem almost cartoonish to me now.


Once again, nonsense, you obviously have limited comprehension of the speed and depth of gun combat in all versions of JO.


Notably, you also claim that you dislike the over-use of pull/backswing in 1.03, and yet you have claimed previously in this thread alone that it was exactly the same (in fact it was not) in 1.02, you claim that you used it regularly in 1.02, and you further claim that backswing was not overpowered in 1.03. You admit that you like the majority of the defining aspects of 1.03, and yet you claim to "hate" 1.03. You are the very fount of all illogic, son. The entirety of your brain seems to be composed of a potent but rare compound called "anti-maturity," and your attempts at disguising yourself as a player of any skill at all are laughable, not to put too fine a point on it.


I've listed my regular duel server haunts and the amount of time I will spend on them, so if your spine holds up, arrive on them forthwith. If you do not arrive by next friday, I will be forced to confirm Jah's assertions of your cowardice.


As for time zone, I'm an Englishman. Figure it out.

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This argument stuff is getting hostile.


I'm not going to type too much I hope, I've already said how I feel plenty of times.


Is 1.04 balanced. Well, sure, if you're playing a game that utilizes all the moves, all the weapons, lightsaber included, in the right situations, the game all fits together. If you're getting kicked to death in a saber duel, there are ways getting around it, annoying as they are to do in this version.


Is 1.02 better. Well, 1.02 and 1.04 are completely different games with different feels. Obviously, people like Spider thoroughly enjoy 1.04, it's a slower game when it comes to saber combat, but guns are relatively the same, push/pull randomness is gone, etc.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, I've always been a proponent of pick your favorite weapon and run with it. I love the lightsaber, but JO is a guns oriented game, it just happens to have lightsabers in it. To claim that it unbalanced is incorrect, but to say that I get no joy from it is fine. The lightsaber is effective in 1.04 if you pull it out at the right time. It is a melee weapon, and tha'ts all it will be in 1.04.


What I don't like is the fact that a player can literally choose one of the three top tier guns, and use effectively use it in all situations, where as the lightsaber is restricted. Most of the 1.04 camp likes it gun centric, I, being a "star wars fanboy" wish it were lightsaber centric. Obviously, we'll never agree with each other on how the game should be. I can whine and cry all day that the top players never even use thel ightsaber, that once they have enough ammo and their favorite top tier gun, they can use it effectively in all situations, not just some, and 9 times out of 10 win. If you don't believe that, then I don't know what to say. That's not what I experienced. Winning with the lightsaber is possible, but it's not the center of the game.


Lightsaber duels - I don't like the damage so low. I like a fast paced, 1 or 2 mistakes, and that's it. With promod's blocking system, this can be done safely. With the 1.04 blcoking system, doing that kind of ruins the game. JK2++ was fast paced, had high saber damage, but it was also a different game from 1.04. You can't really compare them. In terms of saber combat though, jk2++ had 1.04's saber abilities, and with the blocking, many duels were based mostly on luck or thoughtless rushing. Because of this, for 1.04 I guess the low damage is probably best for it.


Without getting cutthroat with anyone, or challening their integrity, I have no doubt that most of the posters here have some skills. Some people play the game as is, and they learn the system, so they get good at it. I wish the game was centered around using a lightsaber and force powers, matching the fantasy I watched on the films. Right now, with the game being more about using all of your tools, especially the guns, I find more joy playing counterstrike, which follows the same principle, althought it certainly has a different feel.


Then again, why am I complaining, Artifex's promod seems to be going in the direction I'm headed. If you want to know my personal vision of the game, or what I would like, I just wish every game had a near lethal capability. Don't ask me how I would balance it, I haven't even taken the time to consider it, because it won't happen. I don't want a game where guns are irrelevant, but unlike the one camp, I wanted a lightsaber centered game, where guns were powerful, and very relevant, but also only useful in certain situations. 1.04 is the reverse. A solid game, but for me not very enjoyable. Take your pick I guess.


Anyway, in terms of discussing what the game should be, or what sucks, we should stop slamming each other. It's hard just read any of the arguments, without flinching, or just missing your point completely. The reader might get too angry to really understand what you're getting at.

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Originally posted by a hard headed spider


Nonsense as usual, you obviously lack the skill necessary to use the 1.04 sabre efficiently, as I play on servers with default sabre damage scale.


You are really getting annoying with you "I'm right you are dumb" attitude.


The sabers are weaker, the damage scale has been lowered this is FACT. Accuse all you want but you can't change the FACT that the damage scale is weaker.




Originally posted by a hard headed spider

Nonsense, you obviously lack the skill to use the techniques to their fullest advantage.


I welcome you to come to 1.02 [OR] clan server anytime you want and prove me wrong. Otherwise shut up. :)




Originally posted by a hard headed spider

Once again, nonsense, you obviously have limited comprehension of the speed and depth of gun combat in all versions of JO.


I said nothing about the speed and depth of gun combat in JO, but you are a damn fool if you seek to compare guns from JO to Unreal.


Originally posted by a hard headed spider

Notably, you also claim that you dislike the over-use of pull/backswing in 1.03, and yet you have claimed previously in this thread alone that it was exactly the same (in fact it was not) in 1.02, you claim that you used it regularly in 1.02, and you further claim that backswing was not overpowered in 1.03. You admit that you like the majority of the defining aspects of 1.03, and yet you claim to "hate" 1.03. You are the very fount of all illogic, son. The entirety of your brain seems to be composed of a potent but rare compound called "anti-maturity," and your attempts at disguising yourself as a player of any skill at all are laughable, not to put too fine a point on it.


You obviously don't realize that the blocking system made pull + BS a problem. Yes it was the same in 1.02 but it wasn't over used because there were MANY other methods of getting a quick kill. So stop accusing me of enjoying 1.03 when I have told you otherwise, your constant accusation just make you out to be an @ss. :)


Originally posted by a hard headed spider

I've listed my regular duel server haunts and the amount of time I will spend on them, so if your spine holds up, arrive on them forthwith. If you do not arrive by next friday, I will be forced to confirm Jah's assertions of your cowardice.


As for time zone, I'm an Englishman. Figure it out.


All I needed to know was your timezome, you had no need to act like an @ss. I will go when I have time after work, if that doesn't match with your time you are free to confirm what you want. I really don't give a damn what a smug fool thinks of me. I will not be changing my schedule just to run into you. You are free to find me on 1.02 if I don't run into you


Drep Saber master 1.02c

[OR] Clan CTF


Somehow I doubt I will see you on my turf, since you aren't that brave, so hopefully I can find you on yours.

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Trust me, you don't want to challenge Spider_AL expecting to win.


He is one of the best. I'm merely good, i'm one of the people that wins games but doesn't totally own it, I would never kid myself enough to say that I could beat Spider (at least not yet :D). In my opinion, the secret to being a good player is to know who is better than you and not make any assumptions about anybody's skill. For all I know, Fatalstrike, you may be THE BEST JK2 player in the world, if this is the case you have nothing to worry about, anything less and you will have a hard fight on your hands.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Trust me, you don't want to challenge Spider_AL expecting to win.


He is one of the best. I'm merely good, i'm one of the people that wins games but doesn't totally own it, I would never kid myself enough to say that I could beat Spider (at least not yet :D). In my opinion, the secret to being a good player is to know who is better than you and not make any assumptions about anybody's skill. For all I know, Fatalstrike, you may be THE BEST JK2 player in the world, if this is the case you have nothing to worry about, anything less and you will have a hard fight on your hands.


I have never made any claims of being the best. I simply would like to meet spider al and see for myself how good he is. If you are right so be it, there is ALWAYS someone better then you in life. I have no problem with that.


I just came from playing Spider Al's servers for the last hour. No sign of him, I asked some [sASHA] clan guys if they had heard of him and they all said no. I went to weapons servers and saber server and no one had any clue who I was talking about.


Those servers are not running Vanilla 1.04 by the way.

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I will go when I have time after work, if that doesn't match with your time you are free to confirm what you want. I really don't give a damn what a smug fool thinks of me. I will not be changing my schedule just to run into you. You are free to find me on 1.02 if I don't run into you




I particularly like the way you're setting up excuses before we've even met. Saves time, I suppose.

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Originally posted by Spider AL




I particularly like the way you're setting up excuses before we've even met. Saves time, I suppose.


excuses...um no. Considering I was on the servers you asked me to go to while you were posting insults, I am starting to think you are getting cold feet.


Stop posting nonsense and log on.

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I've got an idea. How about we set up a "Grudge Match Night" in my server? Anybody who's got a beef with anybody else can show up and take a whack at whoever.


The server's open for 14 players, so we should be able to fit everybody in.


Besides, I've found that people who are trolling flamers in the forums tend to turn out pretty nice guys once they get playing in a server. Might help tone things down around here.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

I've got an idea. How about we set up a "Grudge Match Night" in my server? Anybody who's got a beef with anybody else can show up and take a whack at whoever.


The server's open for 14 players, so we should be able to fit everybody in.


Besides, I've found that people who are trolling flamers in the forums tend to turn out pretty nice guys once they get playing in a server. Might help tone things down around here.


Isn't your server guns and full force? not exactly the best way to demonstrate saber skills man.


Thats where half the BS comes in man, I think we play different gametypes. We are all commenting on gametypes that we dont even play or settings they've never tried.


Also Artifex, are you really adding turnable specials to your mod? I sincerely hope not bro.


PS Artifex it must be nice having so many folk kissing your ass, soon you wont need toilet paper. LOL

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


Isn't your server guns and full force? not exactly the best way to demonstrate saber skills man.


Thats where half the BS comes in man, I think we play different gametypes. We are all commenting on gametypes that we dont even play or settings they've never tried.


You want me to order your chicken suit? When should I tell them you will be by to pick it up? :D


Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Also Artifex, are you really adding turnable specials to your mod? I sincerely hope not bro.



Relax, you seem to be scared of turning moves. You should rename to "Jah da Nervous Kitten" if you are going to have an attitude like that.


Even if he adds turns to the specials they are going to be offest by penalties and blocking. Also a DFA that turns would lose most of its power if turned move then a little bit. So they won't be as strong as what we know consider "special move."

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


You want me to order your chicken suit? When should I tell them you will be by to pick it up? :D


Friday night before i go to the


Relax, you seem to be scared of turning moves. You should rename to "Jah da Nervous Kitten" if you are going to have an attitude like that.


Even if he adds turns to the specials they are going to be offest by penalties and blocking. Also a DFA that turns would lose most of its power if turned move then a little bit. So they won't be as strong as what we know consider "special move."


Ok, I'll borrow your chicken suit when you are done with it Fatalgroupie, thanks for the offer.;) Is it a fancy dress server then?


Shall we have a Fatal strike versus Jah Warrior thread where we can happily flame the crap out of each other, I for one am finding this rather enjoyable now.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


Ok, I'll borrow your chicken suit when you are done with it Fatalgroupie, thanks for the offer.;) Is it a fancy dress server then?


Shall we have a Fatal strike versus Jah Warrior thread where we can happily flame the crap out of each other, I for one am finding this rather enjoyable now.


FatalGroupie? HAHA! I have challenged Arti on many of his ideas. Look at it this...


You want sabers to be weaker so that duels last longer and you can make some mistakes and still comeback and win.


I want more viable attack options, without overpowering any single move.


We can combine the two. I don't need the moves to be one hit kills, that does not interest me. I just like to be able to use them. For example..


Back Stab

Pull and kick doesn't knock you down in promod, so why not have a spinning backstab that you can use when your opponent makes a mistake? It is very hard to use on an upright enemy and it doesn't have to be a instant kill, just add a knock back and I'm fine with it. It CAN NOT be spammed because it is not easy to do, it won't kill instantly, and you can't block backwards so no ass fighting will result.



If it can be blocked and loses a huge amount of power if you turn it, why not? It would make the move harder to dodge but also less rewarding if you are not perfectly accurate.


You see I don't wany"instant kills" I just want more viable attacks then we have now.


Now that I explained my point of view on ProMod, which Artifex has now made the topic of this thread (sneaky bastard) I will resume my insults....


I gave my chicken suit to Spider two days ago, if you had asked me earlier you would have had it, sorry. Then again why would you need a chicken suit? Just turn around and I'll paint a nice yellow stripe down you your back.


I don't know why you want to wear a dress at Arti's server, but you are free to wear whatever you like. I don't have to see you so you can wear pink roses in your ears for all I care.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


Isn't your server guns and full force? not exactly the best way to demonstrate saber skills man.



Also Artifex, are you really adding turnable specials to your mod? I sincerely hope not bro.



I'd turn off the guns for this.


I'm still wrestling with the turnable dfa. If I do it, then you'll be penalized heavily for trying to turn, and even then the angle will be constrained to some degree. I will not reintroduce a spammable DFA.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

I will not reintroduce a spammable DFA.


While playing Spider Al's servers I noticed that 1.04 players are already spamming DFA's. So there really isn't a question of reintroducing anything.


If it were up to me I would remove FFA out of the equation when designing promod. FFA is always going to be a spamfest. I play FFA only so that I can duel without having to wait an hour if I lose.


As it stands DFA's have very limited use in duels and BS's have zero effective use. I would say that you just make the special moves weaker and not instant kills but make them viable to use.

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