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Hand held, laser-guided, bolt-action, highly advanced... potato gun

Boba Rhett

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Before we get to the story I'd just like to say that this man is awesome. :D








Several summers ago, Ed Goldmann sat down and set out on a journey; He needed more, and proving the critics, (His friends) wrong created the most advanced, automated, fastest loading and firing potato launcher known to exist! After a few trips to the bar with friends for design sessions on napkins with crayons (no joke!), and about 50 hours of solo design/ACADR12 work, the SP9004 was born.


Close up of Gun


Hence, the SP9004 now in true operating form, optimized over the past several years. Pure oxygen and propane fueled, laser sighted, bolt action, electrically controlled....This is one awesome piece of launching ordinance! It shoots spuds quite fast and is VERY cool looking. It is so cool looking Ed sent a picture to the feds (ATF) along with a letter querying the SP9004's legality with the understanding it is for recreational launching of potato slugs only. Read the letters in the stories section of the site.


This launcher is not for sale. It was designed and built by Ed Goldmann (the previous owner) as a novelty mainly to see if it could be done. It is far to labor intensive and time consuming to be a production model. Not to mention expensive. As noted above, plans are not available at this time. I may offer them again once I get the time to re-work the plan sets.



Another Pic of Gun


Pic of Back End of Gun


Front of Gun


The oxygen/propane packpack unit that powers the Gun



Link to Website with even more killer spud guns


BTW, you can buy these bad boys. :D

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