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sorry if i'm in the wrong forum but i tought this was the right one to ask this question:


how do i set dismemberment active in single player?

and how in mp against bots?


i ve seen some servers running with dismemberment but i really don t know how to do it!

please help me!!

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yes! thanks a lot..

but there's just a problem...

with dismemberment activated on singleplayer just touching them with your saber makes them die istantaneously...

before if you were near you damaged them but not as now that i just run onto them and they loose head legs arms :p

when i swing it s pretty cool but when i just touch them well it s a bit unrealistic..


ps anyone knows a way to set just lightsaber offense to 9?

i don t want to have all powers like an hyper cheater jedi master but i want to try the tavion and desann stylez

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