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rendered screenies

Bob Gnarly

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Hey there,


I have only just started skinning and have, (only as of yesterday) found out how to veiw my skins. Before i found this i was going into the game and creating server, then doing backflips and spins with saber and pressing ESC to pause it to try and see how it looked.. lol....As you probably know, this method is time consuming and very annoying, especially if you wanna keep checking small changes..



If you wanna take screen shots in game, type this in console.


bind o screenshot


Then while your playing, press o, it will take a shot of the whole screen. If you wanna find the screen shots it took, they are in the base folder in a folder called SCREEN SHOTS. The only real prob with this method is that you dont see the front much. If you wanna see the front really well you need to download a MOD veiwer....



You can download this MOD veiwer from,




On the left side frame at the bottom, click on PROGRAMS


Then scroll down till you see a heading for LEVEL EDITORS


In there there is something called JK2 EDITING TOOLS

( Its in green type )


Click on JK2 EDITING TOOLS to start the download for it...



It took me a little bit to figure out how to veiw my skins with it, and for a while it just seemed like it was impossible, but you can :)......


When you unzip it, read this word document


Jediknight II Skinning Tutorial

( When you get upto a certain part, it tells you to extract _humanoid.gla, animation.cfg and models.shader. But i didnt think it was clear enough, and it took me a while to find them. They are in the (assets0.pk3 file) in the base folder.


Follow the instructions in the tutorial. Also when u get to trying to veiw your model and you are looking in the folder, you have to select the (model.glm) file, its probably the only one there anyway. Once you have done that, and a model is on your screen, look on the left side of screen , ans it should have MODEL written in there, click on the + and then some names come down.


Click on the onr that says (Skins available) then double click on your skin name....it should be there, as well as the BLUE, RED and DEFAULT.



Some tips for using the MOD veiwer to look at your skin are as below:


With your mouse over the viewing window:


Left-click and move will rotate the model.

Alt Left-click + mouse move to pan the character.

Right-click + mouse move up and down will zoom the character.




I am going to be releasing my very first model to http://www.jediknightii.net soon, its called EVIL LANDO....i think its pretty good for my first try....


Hope this is what you were after, and if so i hope you find it useful, cause i sure did....

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From; http://www.xs4all.nl/~tetsuo/jk2/#viewing


Useful console commands


You can access the console with the Shift ~ key combination. There you can enter the following commands to change the way you view your player model.


cg_thirdPerson: By adding the values 1 and 0 to this command you can switch between the 1st and 3rd person view.

cg_thirdPersonAngle: By adding a value to this command you can change the distance from the player model in the 3rd person view.

cg_thirdPersonRange: By adding a value to this command you can change the angle that you view the player model in the 3rd person view.


The cg_draw2D command is usefull if you want to make a screenshot without the JK2 GUI on the screen.


You can get a nice frontal view of your model with these 4 commands:


cg_thirdPersonAngle 180

cg_thirdPersonRange 90

cg_thirdpersonpitchoffset 20

cg_thirdpersonvertoffset -20

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