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Where to find Hitzones ?


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Ok, i looked at the idea for a highlander mod, and well, i could make one, but i haven't found the Hitzones yet, or the places where u hit the player and how much damage they do.


Coz we all know Highlander, and the only way to kill someone was to chop of the head. so could some one help me with this ?


give me a kick in the right direction maybe =)


tnx :)

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the jk2 engine actually uses this function to determine where the player has been hit :


in g_combat.c


serch for this function in g_combat and you'll see it's called for the dimember settings and the damage ....


good luck .



ps : i didn't test it so i might be wrong but you should try it .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, just flipping thru the code a bit. How does the code account for the model hitzones moving around. From my quick run thru, it looks like the code only handles it as if it's a static non-flexable model. I'm going to check it out more. It code has got to be in there somewhere. :) It's probably in one of those vector functions....

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uh, you said something about the hitzones not being able to hit the head very well from the sides. Nothing about how the function accounts for the movement of the animations and stuff. Going just by what's in the G_GetHitLocation function it doesn't account for the movement of the model. My guess is it's inside one of the functions called inside the G_GetHitLocation function. I'll have to look deeper. :D

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Yeah, learning those arrays and how the Quake3/JK2 code abuses/utilizes them is just about 60% of the battle.


I'm intrigued by this hitzone code information - this should allow more accurate fighting - and allow us to add fistfights, which are classic and occur frequently in the starwars universe.

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