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Any Talented Mappers who wants a challenge?

Jah Warrior

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Hello mappers,


Right this is my first post in teh mappers section, I have tried mapping and frankly its way beyond my ability. Radiant looks bloody frightening LOL.


I've had a bee in my bonnet for ages now, let me explain:-


I run a server called Hermes Place its fairly popular and its frequented by quite a lot of the Lucasforums peeps. For some time I've been waiting and wanting a special map for the server. The kind of thing I had in mind is something liek a Greek Temple or the acropolis in athens as a duel map.


If theer is anyone here that would like to take up this idea and perhaps help me get this done it would totally make my day, either PM me or reply to this thread.


stay cool fellas,

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