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W.I.P.: Coleman Trebor NEW

PIo Koon

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yea well..what can i say...i was never satisfied on how Trebor looked...and i was going to redo him but i had my little "angry" time lol


well anyway im sure u guys don't want to see me talk and want to see the WIP..so here it is


and yes this is a completly redone Trebor...its only the head and neck though




434 Polies for those who care

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thankx Padawan...good to see someone missed me..and good to know someones looking forward to Trebor heh


currently im working on about 4 models for GTA3 (technically 2 but each one has an ADV version) and Trebor...so ill be going back and forth between them all...but this shouldn't take me to long considering i know what im doing

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Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Trebor!


Not to sound sick or anything, but I've thought about this model almost every day since you left. I just think Trebor makes such a cool Jedi. Shame he was killed. :(


Well anyways, glad to see Trebor back on track!:D

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Trebor is a pretty cool character for a Jedi, but it was strange to see him bite the dust so fast. It made me think about that scene in Episode 1 where Anakin says, "No one can kill a jedi!" and then Qui-Gon says, "I wish that were so." Really shows how vulnerable they are... we tend to think of them as all powerful but Episode 2 really showed us that they are only human (lol, human is a relative term in Star Wars with all the aliens) after all. Would like to see him. Keep up the good work, PIo.



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Hey PIo Koon, glad ur back. I have one word about the new Trebor. On the side view (far Right). That light green line that kinda follows his shape of his head, is that supposed to be there? If not I can tell ya exactly how to get rid of it if ya don't know. I say this b/c I noticed on the trebor I got my hands on, there were a lotta vertexes that weren't collapsed and shoulda been because they were causing nasty lines. Anyway, looks great other than that and glad to see another good modeler.

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LOL JDiesal...not this time ;)...im not afraid to admit i had a lil "tantrum" a while ago...i still think i was right to be angry...but lets not get back into that k?


and thankx Yoda =O)..good to be missed


and for everyone else whose looking forward to this..hope this model won't let u down...even if i learn how to UVWMAP...and learn how to get models into JK2..i won't stop until its in game...even though id rather not learn all that..i know i should..espcially UVWmapping


but anyway...o yea..also Yoda...yes its suppose to be there...if look at the Plaster Mold of Trebor on starwars.com...ull see that his "crest" kinda has a distinct area...now i could take that out and just leave it up to skinning..but his head looks a little plain for now so im leaving it


and yea i know my old trebor had problems...keep in mind i haven't even been modeling for a year...and i learned almost everything i know on my own...so im still learning...but as i said ive gotten alot better since i yet..and this Trebor head shows it i think


anyway...ill start the upper body today...i haven't done a player model in a while though...been doing cars for GTA3...so im not looking forward to doing that...but if i can make a detailed car with interiors...i can do this ;)


anywya...if someone can show me a link to get the bone structure or whatever in Gmax form...id appreciate it so i acn work off that...so if anyone wouldn't mind...can i get a clicky? (does anyone say that anymore? lol)

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also if anyone doesn't get the neck..well


look at the neck...if u don't understand why is kinda juts in in that area...look at a picture of someone strong or something..the neck muscles do that and it looks similar to that..thats why its like that



also on my old trebor (as Yoda probly noticed) the mouth area was really poorly done...after i made the mouth i messed with it...and formed his mouth into a "Yellow position"...and it looked fine...so i know the mouth is good this time


if anyones interested in seeing Trebor looking like hes yelling ill get a pic...lol

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Yeap, looking good PIo. And yeah, t3rr0r has some real good points. One thing I will add is that the back of his head (the section right before it points up) should almost be horizontal. See here...




And as far as getting a JKII skeleton into gmax...I'm not a modeler, but thus far I have been totally unable to get the skeleton in there. :(

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#1..i do know the abdomen isn't set right...as i said its just a stand in ..haven't done alot of work on it


BUT..i do thank you for the critisizing..makes models better =O)


#2..about his nose...personally i think its about the right size...but ill play around with it and see what i can do


#3...about the horizontle area on the crest...thankx..i didn't realize that..although i think if i do that it will effect the head and make it look stupider..ill try it out and see how it looks..if it doesn't look good i won't do it...but hey its worth a try..and more accurate =O)


#4..back to JD...wtf is tabbards? lol..sorry..fill me in on that


anyway there will be another updated pic later today..lower ab and maybe arms..and more detail in all pieces

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