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W.I.P.: Coleman Trebor NEW

PIo Koon

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Originally posted by Padawan_7


Twisted Vertex, can you please keep remarks like that to yourself.


Eets has already asked for the arguing to stop, and comments like that does nothing but start it again.


I'm sorry to be rude, but if you think 'PIo running away' is immature (not saying that PIo really has or anything), then what do you think about your above comment? I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but I feel that taunts like that are quite immature.


Note: I'm not try to further the arguing. For as long as I have visited these forums, this is the first truly negative post I have made. I'm just sick of the occasional bashing that does seem to pop up from time to time. In this life, I think we all need to be tolerant of each other.


Good Job, After a moderator said not to make more conflict or the thread will be closed. And then go make more conflict. That's really mature. Not!


BTW this thread is done so we need to quit posting useless spam.

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for those of you who agreed with me and said that he never should of made those comments...thankx


for those of you who agreed with me and said that he never should of made those comments but i still should have ignored it...i also thank you


for those of you who said i am whinning over someone critisizing my model and that im just a little kid...ill remember you and tell u that your models are ****ed up and that a 2 year old could do better


i was not complaining about someone critisizing my model..i like it when people do that...i was complaining about someone INSULTING my model


i just wanted to say that...but i ask that NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE


this thread has gone to crap because of JD and my reaction to his insult..this is a WIP not an argueing thread




ive been busy latly and haven't worked on Trebor at all..but ill get back to work on him again...and i don't remember if i said or not but im redoing the arms and belt

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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

Take your argument to PMs, please. In the meantime, I suggest this thread be closed until progress in the model is made and new pics are available.

what if pio wants to post without the hassle of getting a mod to re-open it?

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guys...plz...i asked if we could move on...im trying to get on from this stupid argueing but u keep talking about it...and if it gets closed because of that im not going to be happy


so can we plz move on?...i want to make models for you guys and be happy =OP...not moan and groan and see people take different peoples sides...we shouldn't have to take sides at all and all be neautral and get on with WIP's and Critisizing =OP


ill have a new pic later today





i have one last thing to say that i think everyone should hear


JDDiesal..or should i say..BobaFett101?...why are u doing this? we used to be a team and now your insulting my model...why are u acting the way u are?..u used to be cool..but i guess uve changed


i just realized that u were Boba..and i do have proof if u deny it


so if everyone doesn't know..JD is Bobafett101..my old partner

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what the.......this sounds like soap opera right about now. kinda like a twisted version of anakin and obi's relationship. for real what happened, someone fell to the dark side or something.


anyways we should just get along. i had a couple of nasty disputes myself in other threads. learned nothing from it. so i suggest this back and forth bickering stops now. everybody just lay low.


and plo koon can't wait for that pic.


ohh yeah lay low is ebonics so for people who doesn't understand

" just relax ".

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Originally posted by PIo Koon

guys...plz...i asked if we could move on...im trying to get on from this stupid argueing but u keep talking about it...and if it gets closed because of that im not going to be happy


so can we plz move on?...i want to make models for you guys and be happy =OP...not moan and groan and see people take different peoples sides...we shouldn't have to take sides at all and all be neautral and get on with WIP's and Critisizing =OP


ill have a new pic later today





i have one last thing to say that i think everyone should hear


JDDiesal..or should i say..BobaFett101?...why are u doing this? we used to be a team and now your insulting my model...why are u acting the way u are?..u used to be cool..but i guess uve changed


i just realized that u were Boba..and i do have proof if u deny it


so if everyone doesn't know..JD is Bobafett101..my old partner


Yes I am the long lost partner bobafett101 ... lol :p


It all started when u insulted me when i said there is suppose

to be two tabbards cause the majority of the jedis do and that

you made the lower torso too skinny and you said that it was just an idea. I showed proof but you didnt care you still didnt listening so i thought u must of had me on Ignore; so i got pissed and asked Toonces to make it since he could make it in less than a month, The last time we tried it didnt even work right in game and u quit so i pretended that i quit to but i stayed then two weeks ago i got my name changed and for some reason u came back a day after that so i could go on but im going to stop cause this is getting annoying having to defend myself ......


BTW who snitched? Musashi maybe? Moooa?


Can I see what proof you had. :D

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Alright. I got a PM regarding this thread. I've looked through it, and if those participating in the thread were unable to convince the others to get back on topic, then I doubt that a mod would be able to get different results.


Plo Koon- If/when you want to re-open this thread to update on the progress, PM me. If not feel free to start a new/clean thread for this model. Maybe you can get some constructive comments & criticism that can help you get this model finished (if that is what you are looking for).

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