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Alternate positioning of weapons


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Can anyone tell me how I can control the positioning of the weapons in the SP game.For example,how can I make Kyle to hold the saber from the other hand?

If someone has the tip plz tell me.I hope that with this Ill be able to create a dual saber for SP ;):amidala:

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Welcome, D@rk_BLu3! I hope you enjoy your stay and please accept this complimentary Lucasforums welcome basket filled with numerous amounts of candy which you can snack on while browsing through our forums! :D :D :D


If you mean to switch weapons from right handed to left handed, I'm sure that most editors here will be able to assist you with that, otherwise it could be a more complicated process.


Cheers ;)

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Yeah,I mean exactly that.If someone has the answer,I d be happy to listen.Anywayz,hope someone knows...




The difference between a hacker and a lamer is that the hacker doesnt say what he knows and the lamer doesnt know what he says...


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Welcome D@rk_BLu3 to Lucasforums. I think you might want to know some important information which will completely neutralize the point of this thread.


Raven Software (in case youre an idiot, this is the company that developed JKII) has not released the source codes for single player mods, so its impossible to transfer weapons from the right hand to the left. when the source codes are released, this will be possible, but until then, no one is able to transfer weapons, unless its a glitch in a mod you have already downloaded, like a SP conversion (ie: Jerec instead of Desann) loaded incorrectly (one time i loaded a conversion i made, and the lightsaber was in his left hand, and i have pics saved on my comp, so i will post em later possibly......just thought u oughta kno.....

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I know about the code problem.Yet hear my idea.Imagine a way with which I could put two lightsabers in the same hand,one looking up,one down.The hilt might have a prob but it would be a kick-ass dual-saber whos blades cut evenly!!!I know it sounds crazy but I've done the same trick in other games and it worked.


It would be like holding the saber upside-down.

I wanted to know if there is a script command like BOUND_SABER1_RHAND "1" which would bind the saber at kyle's hand



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Has anyone attempted to scale the skeleton by -1 horizontally? As in, if the skeleton was aligned so that its width shoulder to shoulder formed an axis (like X axis), and the skeleton was bisected by the Y axis, then scaling by -1 on the X axis would essentially mirror the skeleton so that right handed actions could be performed left-handed. Just an idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Matariel

erm...this may be silly...but cant u just swap the tags over? left and to right and vice versa? could work....


If you swapped the tags over, then the saber would be in the left hand, and when you would attack with the saber, your right hand would be in the way of the beam, and some moves wouldn't look right - i.e. when you do the medium backsweep, you would just be swinging a fist around (right hand) whilst the other hand would be doing nothing.


As for PalnGipanji's suggestion.... that actually could work. I would try it but I've just about had enough of 3ds max....

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