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Hey could someone make me a model id aprecciate it

Father Torque

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hello i am in a clan and lately no one really wants to join as a modeler/skinner so i thought hey why not try to learn.I heard from some people that Maya was the best model system so i looked online and wow 6,800 dollars a little to pricy so if anyone could tell me the cheapest and easiest software(or dowlnoad)i would appreciate it:D :D also if someone could make me a model that would be fantastic some. My clan is named for Mortal Kombat so if anyone could make me some mortal kombat skins that would be appreciated the ones i need are Sub-Zero,Emrac,Scorpion and Shang Tsung Email me if you would like to join the clan as a modeler or skinner "LEARN MORE ABOUT US IN CLAN RECRUITING SECTION"(SCROLL DOWN TO MORTALS IN KOMBAT CHALLENGING ONE WITH 4 STARS"McKalister27@hotmail.com and clan site is http://www.clanmortalkombat.netfirms.com thanks to everyone who replys -MK Sub-Zero

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Originally posted by Father Torque

i got some awesome skins thanks guys why didnt i think of jedi knight 2i go there all the time da:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Wait... you're on the JKii.net forum, and you didn't think to go to their website? How odd... :confused:


And Frendon, posting a request in the wrong place isn't a good strategy. It wastes space, attracts flamers, and pisses some people off quite a bit (i'm sure you've seen some reactions from some of them).



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