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Obi Wan has Closing Fever

Poll Cat

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Hey Ob1! What is with all this senseless closing? Hey this is turning into a 'big brother' type site where you guys regulate every word we say. As long as there is no inappropraite pictures then lets keep our hands out of peoples threads. I've seen you closing way too many threads lately. It's ridicolous, you should be a bit less power hungry and stop abusing your moderator status too ruin good threads. I don't care if you kick me out because you'll be backing up what I've been saying this whole time!:p

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i agree mate.. i cant beleive you edited my post!!!


thats cold man


all i said was

"oh and obi *shudders* << you need a new avatar"

but noooooooooooo you gotta go and change it... also. when someone said something about your private parts... everyone else has gotta take things like that but just cos your an admin you cant... man get a grip of your POWER man

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Originally posted by Tyrion



Man..obi gets PMed that he isnt doing his job..and when he does you guys complain :rofl:


Can you guys never be happy??


I know. Give him some slack guys! This is proablly harder than modding the swamp, with all these flames. It can get confusing and stressful.

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Originally posted by =|PL|=Stalker

i agree mate.. i cant beleive you edited my post!!!


thats cold man


all i said was

"oh and obi *shudders* << you need a new avatar"

but noooooooooooo you gotta go and change it... also. when someone said something about your private parts... everyone else has gotta take things like that but just cos your an admin you cant... man get a grip of your POWER man


He aint admin..HE'S A MOD ONLY AT THESE FORUMS!!!!!!!!

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