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Star Wars Galaxies - Role Players


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Hello everyone,


I'm new to these forums, and I know it's generally a bad idea to jump right in and start a new thread the first thing you do, but I'm going to fly in the face of common wisdom for just a moment. Indulge me please, I'll be brief.


I'm here as a representative of my community, SWG-RP. We are a collection of RPers and RP PAs who are gathering together on a common server, once the game is released, for the purpose of enriching everyone's gaming experience. For those of you who enjoy RP and can appreciate the idea of playing with thousands of other like minded player, feel free to drop by and check us out. We're always open to new members and new ideas.


That's all.


Thanks. :)

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Thanks for the welcome.


I'll be checking back every once in a while to see if there are any questions I can answer. Also, when the debate begins as to which server we will choose, I'll stop by again to allow any interested RPers take part in the debate.

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Demiglot and Jedilink4,


Welcome to



I hope you 2 will enjoy your stay :D.

and it is ok to start your first thread and post on these forums with and advertisement :D... a lot of people do that :D


I hope you get some people over there :D Good luck


Hope to see you both some more


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uhhh. Yeah, that's what I meant, sorry.


To keep you guys up to date, we have now incorporated the entire play group of Vagabond's Rest. They are comprised of sixteen PAs with over 300 players, all of which ar now a part of the unofficial RP server movement. :D

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