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Looking for the meaning of life in SWG :)

Phantom Jedi

Has there been a Magority Drop in the intrest of SWG?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Has there been a Magority Drop in the intrest of SWG?

    • Yes, I have seen a definate Drop off
    • Yes, I have seen the resemblences of a drop off
    • No, you are smokin crack we all love SWG go to bed
    • What was the question? (Not Enough Evidance Either Way)

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We eat sleep and think in an SWG fantasy and the game isn't even available! (Not counting all those lucky bast......I mean those lucky BETA testers) Now I don't know about you guys, but I am finding it hard to stay excited about this game. Is anyone else out there burnt out on the pre-game buzz? Don't get me wrong, I love to know about my game in advanced, but all this fan fare seems like overkill.

There are sooooooooooooo many variables that are and forever will be un-answered until the game is mass produced and bought by us at an amazingly expediant rate. That I just want to sleep away the next three to four months without thinking about or worrying about SWG. A good video game is like a good movie, and if you hype it up to much the majaroity will be let down with the final product.

Now I am not talking about you hardcore fans, because you have been around since the very thought of this game first presented itself, but for the casual gamer who runs into this barrage of overwhelming propagandistic (Because none of us really know what the final game will turn out like), idealistic (Because we all hope and pray every night that we can have a dual multi-colored extra long extended ligghtsaber with knife, fork, spoon, nail file and toothpick swiss army saber that meets with rebel code), opertunistic (Because we all know the early gamer gets the best bugged weapons that hopefully never get's tweaked back, or exploits the holes in the programming to gain experiance at an inapropriate rate).

Taking this game to a point that it may or may not meet or exceed? Even once it's launched server's fail, connections slow, problems accure, loop holes are found and exploited. I want this game to take the cake, but if it doesn't meet all our highered expectations is it going to spoil the market for this monumental advancement in MMORPG's?

All I know is that my PA (started last year) was all hot to trot when they joined up, and I told them even then that I wasn't going to make any real push for the PA untill the release date got within a reasonable distance. Now that I feel the date is close enough 3 months at the earliest, I have been really excited and everyone who used to care is on the back burner waiting for something new and fresh to come along. And I was just wondering if anyone else has been noticing a decline in intrest from the masses (NOT THE DIEHARDS, Because we know they will be faithful) Has there been a majority of drop out, or burn out? Or is it just my own experience with my smaller PA that they no longer feel the need to eat sleep and think SWG?

Well I would love to hear what you all (IE those who actually read the posts on these boards) think. As for me I am off to a land of sleep....hope my spelling and grammer did not become to dis-con-bob-ulated to understand.


Officialy -CK

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