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NJO Story- Events of Destinys Way


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well i hope most of you are familiar with the events of the new jedi order series..


And i didnt want to talk that much about destinys way due to the fact that damn mods might say im "spoiling".


But to give a little bit more information ill update :


Coruscant was gone...now another home for the lustful Vongs. The New Republic was in dismay, their military scattered, their senate divided, and their jedi near to extintion.


Jacen Solo, the son of Han Solo and princess Leia, had been missing for 3 months, many believed him dead, many believed him a traitor.


Tomar Dicol's Twin Sun Xj-Wing squardron are patrolling the trade routes by the Hutt System for any staggering Vong Dovin Basals.


Jacen Solo and Vergere cross paths with Tomar's Squadron.


Tomar for first time in his life, becomes connected with the force.


(hope that helps)

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*Tomar looks distressed*


Tomar: Yes admiral, this was indeed a valueable victory for the republic...but my concerns go to our casualities.


Admiral: Tomar my boy...today we destroyed 19 Vong cruisers, over 200 coralskips, and one of their most protected worldships...our losses were not in vain...


Tomar: ....


Admiral: I'll tell you what..you can take a 2 week vacation from the squardron..i know you've been in this war since the beginning..you need a break...you'll leave tomorrow, ill have headquarters ready your X-Wing


Tomar: Thank you sir...


*Tomar heads to his room*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*turns around and looks around the room*

*spots hooded figure watching him in the corner*


*New Republic officers suddenly dash into lobby*


"Colonel Diomar...the admiral requests you immediately."


"Officer...i'm kinda bus..."


"Admiral Fiisa said it was urgent...something about a bio weapon that our researchers have fin..."


*Pushing aside the officer, Diomar dashed to the nearby turbolift (with datapad still in hand)*

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