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Discussion: Cantina Spinoff Story II: Stuck in the Past


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i just had to.



A future Version of Irvine Cracken from the holocaust and Revenant Deac are stuck in Irvine's past on Raynor


The Cantina'ers just left Via Time jump


Revenant needs repairs on his cyborgnetic body due to Irvine's gullibity in trying to save the universe.

Irvine lost the use of one of his Lightsabers, and is mostly Self taught Jedi, with help from other Self taught jedi (whom can/cannot be people from holocuast)

Cracken still sore from gettign hit by his own son, but is in different time and place ^_^


Rules: any cantina'er shoudl know them ^_^

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If you want to create a spinoff thread, then state your idea. Rules ect. Not just a recap.


Also, you state the rules in case other people want to join in. Otherwise it is pointless. Post that, then your thread won't be pointless.


Finally the Revenant waited. Deac would have to clarify it, but from what I gather is that it goes into a hybernation state waiting for the proper time again.

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Sure they will run into different people, but until they do, it will only be about 2 people.


Also you still need a basis for the rpg. Are they going after something, ect.



Example: The spinoff RPG is about the what happens after the holocaust. Cantina 7 about the hunt for the time matrix. The topics are broad to allow poeple to join in with easy.


You need a topic that goes beyond the 2 characters.

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well then id have to ask about location of the current time matrix in this time either they find it in this time, then when ever they are finished place it where the normal cantina'ers find it or they wait it out cus Revenant would absolutley know where they went to now

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