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Stuck at the end of Sec 1 of Nar Shaddaa


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When I was riding the trash hauler I did not duck before the hauler went through the door. I also was unable to hit the switch in time and now I am on the ledge with 2 locked doors and unable to force push the red/green switch and open one of the doors. Accidently hit save game while on the ledge and now I am scuck there. Any suggestions?

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If you're in that first area of Nar Shadaar, inside Reelo's garbage place, just after the streets... you can just do this, type into your console:


map ns_hideout


That'll put you back at the beginning of that map, although, you'll loose any items you might have, like extra ammo, or seeker droids.

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or, you could do what i did when this happened to me....i looked over the edge, and saw that thing in the middle that you jumped through earlier in that level. just jump down there and go back up....sure you might lose some health.....but it will be worth not having to redo the level......atleast that is what i did

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