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Single Player Source Code


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Hey guys,


Just got a reply back from Kenn Hoekstra,he's the project admin at Raven. Anyways i emailed him about the single player source code getting released,not much info but he did say that he would pass along the idea to the JK2 team.


Just thought some of you would like to know :).



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Originally posted by skywalker19

Just got a reply back from Kenn Hoekstra,

source code getting released,

he did say that he would pass along the idea to the JK2 team.


Very interesting, because I just got a very similar response back from him... :confused:


Mine was regarding the implementation of ProMod (Which is an awesome Mod, by the way) into a .05 Patch. I asked him if he was aware of what ProMod was, and provided him with links to check it out: http://www.oculis.org/promod/ I said that if there was ever a Mod that really should have been part of the original game code, ProMod was it!


He wrote back to inform me that he was "indeed aware of ProMod" and that he thought it was "very cool". But then he wrote that he would "pass along the idea to the JK2 team".


While that sounds very cool, and I'm sure he really did "pass it on", I am guessing now that it's pretty much his stock answer for everyone.


It's likely that he gets many emails a day with all kinds of suggestions for JO -and other Raven games- and rather than try to explain the likelyhood of seeing your idea incorporated, he just says that he will "pass it on".


The reason I don't think the Single Player source code will be released is because of copyright restrictions. While it's true that they released the Multi-player code -which also comes with copyright restrictions-, I feel that it made sense to release it from a Marketing perspective. The editing community is a potent force, especially for online gameing. And online playability is becoming as/or more important to game sales as the Single Player component. The Editing community is constantly at work breathing new life into these games -mostly the online components. Doing this keeps the games popular for longer, and that helps maintain sales figures. This is probably why they didn't just release the Multi-Player source code when they released the game. They wait until sales have peaked, and are starting to decline, then they start releasing the goodies to keep the momentum flowing.


Keep in mind: the Editing community is like the perfect ecconomy. People work at things for the joy of doing it, and to make things better for everyone -everyone gets all they want. But the Software industry -like any other business- is in an imperfect ecconomy. It's all about sales, because sales=money, and without money people don't work, and without people working there is no software -or anything else.

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas


Mine was regarding the implementation of ProMod (Which is an awesome Mod, by the way) into a .05 Patch. I asked him if he was aware of what ProMod was, and provided him with links to check it out: http://www.oculis.org/promod/ I said that if there was ever a Mod that really should have been part of the original game code, ProMod was it!


He wrote back to inform me that he was "indeed aware of ProMod" and that he thought it was "very cool". But then he wrote that he would "pass along the idea to the JK2 team".


While that sounds very cool, and I'm sure he really did "pass it on", I am guessing now that it's pretty much his stock answer for everyone.



Hey, cool. Didn't know the word had spread to Raven yet :)


I think the "i'll pass it on" message must be macro'ed into his email program or something. You'd think he'd get tired of all the email and just post email addresses of the respective project managers. That'd sure make us all feel more like our voices were being heard.

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Originally posted by razorace

I think it's nice that Raven even READS it's user email.


Well, I'm sure he felt at least a little obligated. I noticed that the "Raven Plans" link at JKii.com was updated. When I clicked on it, it was just some trivial message that he had posted. At the bottom he also posted that it was his birthday. I have a soft spot for birthdays :) . I figured he'd probably enjoy finding a happy birthday message in his in-box (who wouldn't), so I emailed him. And as long as I had his attention, I figured I'd make him aware of ProMod, and shoot him a hyperlink.


I didn't expect to hear from him, but I'm not surprised. When you take a moment and do a nice thing for someone, it often comes back to you. To my thinking, if I'm ever near Raven Software and short on cash, I'm probably good to get ten bucks and maybe lunch at McDonalds -hey, it could happen.


In fact I read recently that he's looking high and low for a certain Homer Simpson wav. Well, I've got that episode on VHS. It wouldn't be too hard to make a nice sample of what he's been trying to find. I was debating on making the wav, emailing him an extremely LOW resolution of it, and telling him he can have the hi-rez version if he'll leak some animation or SP source code to the editing community.


Everyman has his price: ("mmmmmmmm Donuts")

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