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Finished my Predator skin(from Fisto) I still can't get the icons to appear, Help PLZ


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So I just finished my 6th skin, as the title says, its a skin of Predator made using the Kit Fisto model, has some real nice shader work in it I feel like, but unfortunately I can't get the icon to appear in the player menu. I've had this problem with every skin I've made so far :(. If anyone had a similar problem and figured out what they were doing wrong please tell me. I have some of my skins (in pk3) posted at:




if you want to download one to look at it, and possibly help fix it.

(The predator isnt up there, I don't want to release him til I get it working):fett:

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  • 2 weeks later...

like they say the icon has to be 256 x 256 pixels, also to be on the safe side they should not be compressed too much.


also the icon names need to be :-






another thing that can also cause this problem is when you have too many skins in base folder some stop showing. try removing all but the skins you really need and then checking if the above doenst help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a much simpler problem than what I had been anticapating. If you are also having problems finding your icon in the player bar, read the following.


Your icon's name must match the .skin name it represents


icon_default.jpg : model_default.skin

icon_red.jpg : model_red.skin

icon_cheshire.jpg : model_cheshire.skin :)


The problem I was having is this:

Use winzip to compress your files.

I had been using WinAce, and that is why I couldn't see the icons, once I switched to winzip, no problems.




My skins are available in various places around the web.

I made almost all of the skins for clan OmNi, some of them are pretty good. That predator skin is also out there, I've mailed it to both jediknightii.net and jk2files.com but have not recieved word back from either about the files being posted. So who knows, within the next couple of weeks, I'll be making my own skin pack, and I'll post a link for it here.

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