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WIP: DC-15 rifle or clonetrooper rifle


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well... im not sure what the max vert count or poly count is for a gun, but sabers generally never go higher than 500-800 polys.


i think 2373 is still too high, im sure you put a lot of detail into the gun that can't even be seen by the player, try reducing it as much as you can.

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the poly count should be as low as you can make it before it looks ugly and blocky. you want definition but not so much that it looks like its made for a cg movie. i suggest you put it ingame and keep lowering the poly count until you think it looks good but not too blocky.

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I've found on http://www.jediknightii.net the blaster that Leia used in AHN so I download it and I checked the poly count and it was in the 2000 and mine is now 1383 so I think that mine is good enough. Now it might sound stupid but I'll ask it anyway... What do I have to do next? I mean how do I texture it and howdo i put it ingame. Can someone give me the informations please.




P.S. If you want to see the Leia's gun I was talking about



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Since my last post I've add a little thingon the gun but it didn't affected the poly count too much, so instead of having a poly count of 1383 it is now 1390. And since the last screenshots I have replace some parts by other but there is no big difference.





What do you think???

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