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Jango Fett's Blaster.....


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i saw jango's blaster model once but i couldn't download it and the server has been down since. does anyone have it or is planning to make it? it should replace the bryar blaster pistol am i right? if any of u talented model makers are planning to make it let me know or if u have the model.ADMINS THIS IS NOT A REQUEST! Im making a Jango Fett skin (here is my site, pics r up) http://www.geocities.com/yaduskins

im almost done the skin all i need are sounds(taunts pain etc.) which i cant find so it would be awhile:rolleyes:. i thought that when i would release the skin for download it would be cool to have his blaster released with him here are some references if u need them if u r planning to make it!http://www.lucasarts.com/products/starwarsbountyhunter/ there r pics and trailers and u see his blaster ALOT, thanks again everyone! :jango:

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yeah it is a model but you can't create a new thread in here asking for a model. its better suited for a request forum. its either you're creating a model or asking people how to create a model. and when i said skinning i was reffering to you not the blaster.

i really don't know why it doesn't work for you??? it works fine for me. i suggest you email the maker and ask if he can send it to you.

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