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If you ask about combining Mods and don't do coding read this please.


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It is possible to combine mods, but there must be something for this to work.


The authors of both mods must release source codes.


Mods are like metals. You can not take a 20 pound block steel and make it into something with out melting it down first right? Same with mods. They can not be changed with out the source code. And you can't join two blocks of steel with out melting them both down right? Same with mods. You must have both source codes to combine mods.


So it is possible to do this. And we do encourage you to ask about this, but I thought this might help explain somethings about mods.

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I appreciate the answer in my thread, btw. I'm familiar with coding, and compiling...so that's not the problem. I just didn't want to have to try and combine them, since I'm not familiar with either mod's source code.


I encourage those who wish to combine mods to do two things:


1.) Get the original author's permission


2.) If you don't know how to code, have someone else compile for you.

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afaik exactly the same as quake3 (seems logical imo... useless to change the loading scheme.. well for multiplayer code at least)


if it's anything the same it's completely impossible to run two mods at the same time. qvm's are basically dll's, and i'm not completely sure, but i don't think jk2 checks what functions in what dll's are diffrent from the defaults and calls the diffrent ones.. that's just silly.. it just loads on of the two mods.. but it COULD work if for example the jetpack is just serverside and the other mod is just clientside (heh not that that will happen :p)

but i might be wrong and jk2 might have diffrent dll loading stuff.. but making that just seems too faulty to implement.. (99% of the 'merges' would go wrong anyway)


maybe the jk2 team itself can explain it better :p but i do not thing they changed the dll loading code at all, or at least not much diffrence from the q3 code.

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sounds overly complicated. You don't need to have overlapping code, you only want to use one code feature at a time, anyway. You could just come up just come up with a code "plug-in" system. But ether way, it would require a lot more effort than it's worth unless you were creating a totally new game anyway. :)


EDIT: I just realized that's basically the same system TCK just mentioned. I just misread what he meant. My bad. :)

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such a system would mean making dll's out of qvms.. OR making a custom qvm executing system (also almost impossible when not using dlls). if you would use dll's it shouldn't be too hard really.. just create seperate systems for all parts.. (bot system, client graphics system, gameplay system etc..) but you wouldn't be able to change too much simply because if you have a gameplay system that needs specific graphics you can't use a seperate graphics system anymore... this limites the functions so much it's basically easier to merge two mods...

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since jk2 is basically win32 only why even BOTHER hooking qvm's at all (also i don't think you can really hook into qvm's unless you know the exact specification maybe)


i mean.. since it's win32 why don't just add some dll's :p or atleast hook them from within the code and compile the code as dll's instead of qvms, that would be easy.. but still useless to do really... too much work for too little..

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Kyle098 => go to metamod.org


razorace => no it won't change the modding format...


The Eternal => what about linux servers? they won't support dlls unless they have wine installed...

too much work for too little..

i agree, i just said it was possible to combine mod....

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