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Force Grip is killing me


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Im sure this has been asked before but....


Im new to the game and I love the MP version BUT, I get my butt whooped all the time by folks using Force Grip and throwing me over an edge. Im tired of it. I put my grip to full but I rarely am able to do the same to them but it always happend to me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey, Arianrood.


While I'm not the most experienced player (I'm usually in the top five at the end of any matchup), I'm not a noob either....

Here are a few tips that I've learned to use to combat Force Grip:

It looks as if you're fighting on the Dark side (since you said you use grip too).

1) Best way to avoid getting gripped is to fight on the Light side and use Absorb - force powers not only are useless against you, but you also drain the opponent's force pool each time they try to use it on you.

2) Second best defense is Force Push or Pull (it can break the grip if you can focus on the opponent and push or pull yourself loose) and since it is a neutral power, you can utilize it fighting on either side.

3) Last resort is to use your guns to aim at the attacker while he or she is gripping you - I've killed my fair share of grippers while they were trying to choke me out (energy weapons and explosives work best for me)


Hope that helps you out some.......if anyone else has better strategies, I'd like some pointers too! :D

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As stated above there are several ways to deal with the darkie grip. I personally prefer absorb level3, not only does it break the grip but it turns the energy applied to you into your force power. Nothing more satisfying than watching your force meter charge back up. When I see lightning, drain or grip I run to it, not away!


Despite what most people think the Lightside is much more powerful than Dark.



Griff always taunts with, "CHARGE ME UP DARKIES".

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With the grip you move the enemy around with your mouse


go left with your mouse enemy goes left (duh)

go right with your mouse and the enemy goes right (how amazing)

move your mouse away and the enemy goes down (fun in Ctf-Bespin)

move your mouse towards you and the enemy goes up.

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Some things involving Grip you should learn once you get good:



1-Not only can you break it with Pull, but you can Pull+kick out of a Grip.


2-Absorb is good against a "newbie" Grip user, but against a veteran, it will get you killed. How you ask? A common move used against Light/Absorb users in FF duels is to Grip them, lift them and position them "up and out" (as in right in front of you and up high). They turn on Absorb, the hold breaks, and they land on a lunge or a light stance backstab (little tougher to land that one).



3-If someone Grips you and jumps on your head, don't waste Force trying to Push/Pull them. It won't break it if they are right on top of you. Use Drain (level 3) and look straight up.

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There's also a gliche-kick move that's difficult to pull off when someone grips you. Towards the end of the grip, try to look straight down and kick the person several times...if you kick while still standing (while still in grip animation), your kick will do 100 damage. This only works if someone is grip kicking and misses a kick OR just really sucks at the whole grip thing...peace.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

There's also a gliche-kick move that's difficult to pull off when someone grips you. Towards the end of the grip, try to look straight down and kick the person several times...if you kick while still standing (while still in grip animation), your kick will do 100 damage. This only works if someone is grip kicking and misses a kick OR just really sucks at the whole grip thing...peace.



Hehe u hacker..



I remember the first time someone nailed me with that, I had no friggen idea how I went from 100 to 0 instantly.


BTW there is also a bug w/ the DFA. You pull+kick into someone who missed with it and the damage registers as if it landed.

Even if you come from behind and PK at point blank range so as to have no exposure to the saber.

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