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Release Date... November?


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November? heh not going to happen, like wraith said they are still in the first beta stages, the game is at least 3 months from being finished.


I think if they really rushed it (god i hope they don't) it might be out for christmas. My guess would be that it gets released in February

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Originally posted by Duvan

November? heh not going to happen, like wraith said they are still in the first beta stages, the game is at least 3 months from being finished.


I think if they really rushed it (god i hope they don't) it might be out for christmas. My guess would be that it gets released in February

yep... tottaly agree with you on this one :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

Combining the phases doesnt exactly mean pushing the game out faster. I think they are actually using fewer people to test certain things before releasing it to more people which is normally better. They are working the major bugs out with fewer people so there are fewer headaches.

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I personally dont see this as shortening the beta process, if anything it draws it out a little longer. They are slowing down the rate at which the masses participate in testing and I dont care how many times the same 200 people try something successfully, as soon as you get 20,000 people trying it you will run into problems. I have beta tested 3 racing sims and each time just as we thought we were close to a final product they would release it to the masses and tons of things would surface that the first beta testers missed. It is a long slow process and I just dont see anyway to speed it up or for a reason to speed it up for a game of this volume.

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I agree, I can work around some bugs as long as im able to play. Some folks dont see it that way and the game could end up getting a negative rep if they were to relase something as buggy as WW2 Online.


I will be happy as long as they wait until Mid December so I can be home when it launches :)

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Well, I dont want to have to wait until Feb either, but it looks like that may be a more realistic release date... As far as bugs go, based on most other mmorpg's I've played there will be plenty of bugs to deal with regardless of the when the game is finally released...


At least I'll have time to get that new Alienware system I've been wanting.....


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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

Well, I dont want to have to wait until Feb either, but it looks like that may be a more realistic release date... As far as bugs go, based on most other mmorpg's I've played there will be plenty of bugs to deal with regardless of the when the game is finally released...


At least I'll have time to get that new Alienware system I've been wanting.....



Alienwares are sweet, but if your on a budget i suggest you check out ABS . They're pretty much an alienware clone, but cheaper. I'm planning on getting a new system from them before the release.

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Personally, I'd much rather buy an alien or voodoo. First of all, I wouldn't be able to tweak or pay attention to the intricate detail and secondly...leave the work to the professionals. You'll find that if you just spend alittle extra cash on something to begin w/, you'll definitely save money in the long run. In the past, I've screwed around w/ some project of mine and spent more $ in the process of trying to save $ in the first place. There's also that nifty paint job that my sister's watercolor kit just won't be able to reproduce.

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