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Jokes about suicide are no jokes.


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You're probably right, Sam, however, we have a whole society based on blaming other people for our mistakes. Kids carry guns to school, let's blame Monty Python (Yes, there was a reference made about Monty Python after the Columbine shooting). It's us as parent's that need to be vigilant.


"Timmy, you don't run around shooting people when you're sad. I don't care what Masta G Funk Revolutionary Solja Dawg, says. He just wants to be sensational so you'll buy his albums. Really, he's a poor pathetic loser who can't ryhme," Mommy of Timmy.


"Biff, there is no reason to pick on someone because she or his is different from you. That's what makes the world diverse and interesting. If I get one more phone call about you bullying some kid at school, and I'm a witch so I'll know, then I'm going to take away your convertible, sell it, and make you drive a Pinto. Don't think I won't do it, either," Me to my son, should he ever turn out to be a bully. (No, I do not have a son named Biff)


Honestly, if some one is going to kill themself or another person, doesn't that scream of pre-existing mental psychosis? I don't think a video game/song/movie is going to affect them that much more. If they're going to do it....They're going to do it or attempt it.


Also, I'm all for cracking down on bullying in schools, because if you look at cases both in current school crimes, and crimes committed later by crazy adults, you'll find that being bullied is a factor. I think there needs to be serious reprocutions for bullying, because it's a form of violence and torture. It breeds hatred among people, and then they turn out like our government or Charles Manson.

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Rest assurd, someone did not commit homocide just because they watched The Weakest Link. People who commit homocide, suicide, infantcide, or whatnot do so because they are screwed in the head psychologically (unless it's an act of national war, in which case it's not considered homocide...).



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Kryllith, that was an extremely foolish statement. You can't even begin to comprehend what being "screwed-up in the head" is for a start - It's just something your mother told you. I personally don't understand how a person can be labelled as 'sane' or 'insane', when clearly all minds are different.


As for the psychology, there are two debates, and I'm sure you've heard this: Nature Vs. Nurture. If, lets say, this person did have the urge to kill, was it nature that brought it on? Was he born like that? Or, did society, a society that you live in, contribute to his apparent insanity? Is it wrong to kill if that's what you've been brought up to believe is right? There's a whole bunch of stuff that you can go into. But, there's a better point.


A lot of people kill from fear. Some kill from hatred or revenge. Self Defense. All are considered mittigating circumstances, and a case should be judged on its own merits.


To say that it's okay to kill someone as long as your country says you can is also a rather warped view.

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Originally posted by scabb

Kryllith, that was an extremely foolish statement. You can't even begin to comprehend what being "screwed-up in the head" is for a start - It's just something your mother told you. I personally don't understand how a person can be labelled as 'sane' or 'insane', when clearly all minds are different.


As for the psychology, there are two debates, and I'm sure you've heard this: Nature Vs. Nurture. If, lets say, this person did have the urge to kill, was it nature that brought it on? Was he born like that? Or, did society, a society that you live in, contribute to his apparent insanity? Is it wrong to kill if that's what you've been brought up to believe is right? There's a whole bunch of stuff that you can go into. But, there's a better point.


A lot of people kill from fear. Some kill from hatred or revenge. Self Defense. All are considered mittigating circumstances, and a case should be judged on its own merits.


To say that it's okay to kill someone as long as your country says you can is also a rather warped view.

I think it depends on how you define homocide (or other forms of side). I wouldn't consider killing someone in self-defense homocide (manslaughter perhaps), but then that's simply my distinction. If you set out to intentionally kill someone (not in self-defense) you're screwed in the head. By this I don't mean that someone is necessarily insane (though the person in Cancon's example may be riding the line), since, as you point out, there's a societal basis to consider. If you want to look at individual killers for potential insanity we can do that on a case to case basis. Am I being egocentric in my opinion? Certainly, it as MY opinion after all. And if you think it's foolish then that's you're opinion, but that doesn't make either opinion correct...


As for my mother, well after having her be hospitalized several times for attempted suicided, after having to help her work through mental breakdowns as the result of attempting to raise two children on her own, working a highly stressful job with learning-disabled children for virtually no pay, and people basically not giving a crap about her, I'd kindly ask you to not make snide remarks about someone YOU don't know anything about.


Btw, I don't agree with society saying that it's right to kill other people (such as in times of war). But soldiers aren't likely to get dragged into a courtroom for charges of murder for killing the opposition in battle. Nor is there likely to be a criminal investigation or psychiatric evaluation for performing their duty...



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Yes, Kryllith, but there is a clear difference between mentally disabled people, and mentally insane people. The latter is the one that I cannot comprehend.


My basic point was, that it's not just being "screwed up in the head" that causes people to kill. There are a multitude of reasons, some which may be acceptable (to me) in certain cases. Forget the legal terminology. The law is certainly not perfect, and It should be used as a basic guideline as to what is right. All legal systems have had there failings, particularly in this section.


Oh, and my mother works at a school with mentally disabled children too, and I chose that as my work experience course when I was studying for GCSEs, so please don't lecture me about the mentally disabled - Which, might I add, has nothing to do with this argument anyway. Besides, I made no snide comments about your mother anyway, nor depressed people in general, and to bring up her suffering in order to win an argument is a very pathetic thing to do.

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but that is what i herd on the radio






Originally posted by Kryllith

Rest assurd, someone did not commit homocide just because they watched The Weakest Link. People who commit homocide, suicide, infantcide, or whatnot do so because they are screwed in the head psychologically (unless it's an act of national war, in which case it's not considered homocide...).



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Originally posted by scabb

Oh, and my mother works at a school with mentally disabled children too, and I chose that as my work experience course when I was studying for GCSEs, so please don't lecture me about the mentally disabled - Which, might I add, has nothing to do with this argument anyway. Besides, I made no snide comments about your mother anyway, nor depressed people in general, and to bring up her suffering in order to win an argument is a very pathetic thing to do.

You said that I "couldn't comprehend what being 'screw-up in the head' is for a start - It's just [my] mother told [me]." Seeing as my mother considers herself to be screwed up in the head as a result of her situation (and her depression), I personally think it's quite relavent to the conversation. If you need to see this as some sort of simpathy plea, that's your perogative, but that's hardly the reason I brought up the matter. Besides, whoever said I was lecturing to you about the mentally disabled? (Btw, just to clear up any possible confusing, I wasn't ever refering to mentally disabled people as being "screwed in the head.")


My basic point was, that it's not just being "screwed up in the head" that causes people to kill. There are a multitude of reasons, some which may be acceptable (to me) in certain cases. Forget the legal terminology. The law is certainly not perfect, and It should be used as a basic guideline as to what is right. All legal systems have had there failings, particularly in this section.

Yes, and there are a number of situations where I can see killing as acceptable and/or necessary such as in self defense when someone's protecting his/her own life (as I previously stated). The point where it comes to people being screwed in the head is when they commit murder for fun, or boredom, or because they feel a need to prove something, which is what I was refering to in my original post and reiterated on when discussing homocide in my last post. The one thing I admit is that I should have added "and/or socially" when I mentioned someone being screwed in the head psychologically. Since society can affect us psychologically (as you noted--nature vs. nurture), I simply grouped them together.



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No, the point is, that your original post was narrow minded and incorrect, and I quote:


People who commit homocide, suicide, infantcide, or whatnot do so because they are screwed in the head psychologically (unless it's an act of national war, in which case it's not considered homocide...).






You said that I "couldn't comprehend what being 'screw-up in the head' is for a start - It's just [my] mother told [me]."


Please explain what "Being screwed up in the head" is all about then.

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How is it incorrect? I know what I meant when I mentioned homocide, suicide, and infantcide. Just because you don't interpret it the same way I do doesn't mean it's incorrect. As for it being narrow-minded? Perhaps it is, but that again is dependent on how one interprets what I'm talking about (which wasn't self-defense).


Ok, by being "screwed up in the head" I do not mean "insane", which is apparently how you interpreted it in the beginning (I could be wrong, mind you, but that's the way it seems). By "screwed up in the head" I mean people that feel they have the right to kill whomever they want without lethal provocation. They aren't doing it as an act of self defense to protect their own lifes of the lifes of others. They're doing because they want to call attention to themselves, or because someone "looked at them wrong", or because they need to feel a power trip. These are people I'd consider "screwed up in the head."



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This is my final post on this topic, unless someone adds something fun, or you really wind me up.


It is incorrect, because homicide is not just commited by people who are "screwed up in the head". There are billions of other reasons too, such as revenge, vengeance, trying to get back at someone, etc. They're probably the most common.


What you mean by "screwed up in the head" does not really portray someone who has commited homicide - It is the portrayal of a serial killer, I suppose - but even then, that's a narrow minded approach to make. Some people just have shorter fuses than others, and go to more extreme lengths.


This discussion was fun.

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Yoghurt, if we all agreed with each other, and everything was good in the world, there'd be nothing interesting in these forums. It would just be endless posts of people agreeing with each other.


Just because people argue in a thread, that's no reason for it to be closed.

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Originally posted by scabb

Yoghurt, if we all agreed with each other, and everything was good in the world, there'd be nothing interesting in these forums. It would just be endless posts of people agreeing with each other.


Just because people argue in a thread, that's no reason for it to be closed.

Here here! Arguing makes the world go round. :) How interesting would the world be if everybody thought, talked, and acted alike? Besides, if people want to agree, they can simply agree to disagree.



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