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force mind trick!


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I use mindtrick alot, if you activate it and then fire a weapon or draw your saber within viewing distance of a player they might be able to see you. Also if you are hopping around and being noisy that might allow them to see you to. To be sure the player can't see you, watch for the blue sparkles over their head if they are not there you are visible to that player.

Try turning on mindtrick and crouch +walk. Your player will not make footsteps. Very sneaky.




Despite what most people think Light is more powerful than dark.

The high scores on my fav servers always seem to be Lightside players.

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I think mind trick is a waste to be honest, its too easy to counter...



1 : force seeing level 3 (I always use this)


2 : using force push/pull, if you are in the radius of the push/pull an energy glow appears over you.


3 : auto sentries, they have no mind to trick :p so they shoot at you anyway, giving away your location.


I have seeing on most of the time anyway to gain pre-awairness of enemy attacks, make out far off snipers and to counter the ever popular mind-trick.

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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

I think mind trick is a waste to be honest, its too easy to counter...



1 : force seeing level 3 (I always use this)


2 : using force push/pull, if you are in the radius of the push/pull an energy glow appears over you.


3 : auto sentries, they have no mind to trick :p so they shoot at you anyway, giving away your location.


I have seeing on most of the time anyway to gain pre-awairness of enemy attacks, make out far off snipers and to counter the ever popular mind-trick.


True in some ways.


Mind Trick can be quite useless, if its not used properly.


Don't go walking like a blind man into crowds thinking that you won't get noticed. Try to avoid areas without a lot of activity and if you are in a hallway or long corroror, don't walk straight down the middle! You can avoid somebody walking right near you just by sidestepping to the right or left.

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Mind Trick is designed as a passive aid, don't go into a fight assuming nobody can see you. However if there are 6 people in an area, and only 2 have seeing, you've already cut down the number of enemies who will immediately attack you. You should be able to get a couple of kills in before the 4 people without seeing realize what is going on.

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i tend to use mindtricks on ctf_warring factions. there are a few ways to use it here.

1) defensive - play as the flag defender and then turn on mindtricks and wait for the enemy capper to come get the flag. when he does blast him with a flechette or rocket and he wont know what hit him (not many cappers use seeing since the force pool isnt that big). this works on almost any capper.

2) flag recovery - you can use mindtricks and surprise the enemy capper once they have the flag sometimes. it normally wont work if they're already back to their base and are defending themselves. the best time to kill the enemy carrier is when he's in your base or on the way to his.

3) capping - obviously you wont get by the flag defender or the roaming defense using mindtricks. the objective here is to get by the midfielder and the enemy cappers who have respawned in base and are moving towards your base again. when cappers respawn they generally attack anyone who's moving through their base (unless they are dumb and dont feel like helping the defenders), so using mindtricks will help you get by these guys without having to take any damage or having to turn around and deal with them. if you're playing against n00b defenders, then mindtricks will allow you to grab the flag easily; however, there arent many defenders that suck this badly, so if you wanna use it for this purpose remember to use it on a sucky server.


dont bother using mindtricks anywhere else. it's completely useless.

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Not bad, but I have a habit of using force seeing almost all the time on CTF servers, especially on warring factions (since it gives me immunity to snipers, and everybody knows warring factions is a sniper heaven) and allows me when defending (read: sniping) to see the enemies before they come in my line of sight. I don't use it on ctf_imperial though - not much point, no snipers and it's easy to get the flag anyway :mad:

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Mind Trick... It auto turns off when you attack, except when you kick. Also (unless it's been changed) A person who respawns since you turned it on will not be affect..



Bob turns on Mind Trick, no one can see him

Jim is fragged

Jim respawns

Jim can see Bob while others cannot


And force seeing also counter acts mind trick.


Mind trick is useful in CTF to get to the base, you can't actually use it if you have the flag, I don't believe.. it can be good in FFA also, because people generally don't use seeing all that much, so you can move into a good close range and have the element of surprise. Also.. I've noticed that sometimes, the lightning is a bit screwy or something, watch underneath your model on the ground... see those colors underneath you? Kinda looks like bad dynamic lightning? I dunno what the hell it is, a glitch I assume, but it's a BIG help in tracking people with mind trick on. I've done it time and time again, fragging people with Mind Trick on without even beeing able to see the actual model... In duels... eeeeehhhh, not so useful, because if they see you disappear, they won't stop moving, and it'll be pretty hard to land a blow.

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Datheus said, "Mind Trick... It auto turns off when you attack, except when you kick. "


This at 1rst sounds like a disavantage to have your force power turned off but actually it conserves your power when you don't need it.


Datheus Also said, "(unless it's been changed) A person who respawns since you turned it on will not be affect.. "


This is very true, kill a player while invisible and now they can see you, they usually ignore everybody else untill they get their revenge. I have seen many players I have killed pass by easy kills to hunt me down.

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Originally posted by griff38



This is very true, kill a player while invisible and now they can see you, they usually ignore everybody else untill they get their revenge. I have seen many players I have killed pass by easy kills to hunt me down.


I'd just like to clarify... it doesn't matter if you fragged the guy or not. If he dies, even at the hands of another person, they can see you, even if Mind Trick is still on

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I know a few people that use Mind Trick very effectively on warring factions. Otherwise I find it useless since force seeing just counters it.


Refering back to Datheus... I believe you can actually use mind trick with the flag. One time on warring factions the flag carrier used mind trick on me. He disappeared but I did see a floating flag running away from me. :D


:eets: He Went That Way! :bluflag1:

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