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Sanspoof's Birthday

Darth Eggplant

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Horoscope for Sanspoof

7 Serpent 3 Kankin

Friday October 18th, 2002


Sanspoof you were born on

October the 18th which means

your Sun sign is The GateKeeper;

it also means that you are

a Zodiac Cusper,

meaning you are also influenced

by Eva the Sardonic Wit,

and because you were born

at 5:30AM your Asendant sign

is Velasco the Fishmonger.


What this means is this,

your Sun sign is The GateKeeper,

and as such the attributes

of the GateKeeper

is who you really are.

However because you were born

on the Cusp;

meaning the ten days overhanging

Zodiac signs,

5 days before

and 5 days after

Zodiac signs change,

you also can exhibit

and take on the characteristcs

of Eva as well. But like a half

and half ice cream cone,

you are a mixture of

GateKeeper and Eva;

but with the majority being

The GateKeeper.


The GateKeeper's planet is Venus

and Eva's planet is Pluto,

and so Sanspoof whenever

Venus is astrologically the 'sun'

and Pluto astrologically is the 'moon';

(or perahps less confusing)

whenever Venus is high in the heaven

and Pluto is trailing,

you will behave as a GateKeeper does.

click here to see GateKeeper personailty


BUT, whenever Pluto

is astrologically the 'sun'

and Venus astrologically

is the 'moon';

you will behave as Eva does,

or rather feel strongly

influenced to behave as Eva does.

click here to see Eva personality

Now because you were born

at 5:30am in the morning

Sanspoof, your Asendant sign

is Velasco the Fishmonger.

click here to see Velasco personality


An Ascendant in astrological terms

is the way that other signs

of the Zodiac percieve you.

It is the Mask or Facade you wear

on a daily basis;

and whether you are conscious

of it or not, it is also part

of your personality.


And so Sanspoof here is your own

personal Horoscope for today

7 Serpent 3 Kankin:


Confusion reigns in three's,

but it's a benign regime

counteracted by luck

in seven's and eleven's

but not black 2 or rouge 9.

Gifts are always lovely

and at the very least

you deserve a treat.

However the world

has been generous to you;

and so If full payment is delayed,

the results could disappoint you.

however do not use your birthday

simply as an opportunity

or as an excuse to make others

buy their way into your heart.

to you, your own private reality

may have many seductive qualities,

but try to remember that

you are not the only game in town.

Act Benign and Indifferent today,

stay with earshot of 'whatever',

and leave your control pannel

in pleasure-seeking mode;

and the spirit you exhibit today

just might lead you on towards

the recieving end of the equation.



Have a Happy Birthday Sanspoof!

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I got a cool 3D AnimationSoftware thingy so possibly (Just possibly) I could make my own 3D ala GF movies.


If anybody has any .mdl 3D models of any kind of GF person (Not from the game) then you could E-Mail me if my mail thing wasn';t down. Get back to you on that.

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