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How do you get JKII to recognize new RAM?


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I just added another 256MB (for a total of 512). JKII doesn't appear to recognize anything past the initial 256MB. I either remember stumbling across somebody's post stating how to do that or I'm hallucinating again, but I'm unable to search for it and haven't been able to see it yet. Does anyone else remember that post or how to do it?




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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

the command you want is com_hunkmegs xxx


where xxx is the amount of ram you want to dedicate to jk2


Ok, that rings a bell for me. I'll look more into it.


Jah and Darth, thanks for your suggestions and time.




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  • 2 weeks later...

or type in under the console :


seta com_hunkmegs 256-400 (where you can set the # to be anywhere between 256 and 400) ///be careful to not exceed 512 or your game will crash.


Also, try uncapping your FPS cap by typing


seta com_maxFPS 200 /// that will help a little for performance.

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