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Some flash animations can be posted here, here are some I liked:


PONG: the movie: pong game getting out of hand



Pygmy shrew: sad documentary, sad, but funny.



ROMP-games: several flash-games where you lead Jack to the pleasures of life.





Prawnzilla : the ultimate fight between Prawnzilla and the Citrus Sheep (for people who like absurdities)



Hope you ll like it.

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lets just lay down some rules if this topic is going to work.


1) The the name of the flash animation is stated by the name of the link.


2) A short decription would be good if possible


3) I suck at rules but order turns me on :p


the pong one rocks btw hehe :D:D

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I thought homestar runner was a bit stupid at first but now i'm like addicted to that site. I love all of the characters. I love the little commentaries they do on some of the toons.


By the way, grimgroove, that pong one is as hilarious as it is random. That one is my favorite.

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