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Serious Crashing Problems... I'd appreciate a lil help...


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Ok... well... I've been beating the hell out of my computer all day because it's not being too "user-friendly." This is my problem...


I've been trying to join servers all day, and they seem to start loading fine, but when the game's completely loaded... the screen fades out and the game crashes... so now I'm back at my desktop. This little error message pops up on my screen...



Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm.

VM file cgame compiled to 1791571 bytes of code

cgame loaded in 11092960 bytes on the hunk

stitched 0 LoD cracks

...loaded 3289 faces, 78 meshes, 7 trisurfs, 0 flares

---------- Fx System Initialization ---------

----- Fx System Initialization Complete -----

WARNING: reused image gfx/hud/i_icon_medkit with mixed mipmap parm

WARNING: reused image gfx/hud/i_icon_medkit with mixed allowPicmip parm

WARNING: reused image gfx/hud/i_icon_medkit with mixed glWrapClampMode parm

Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment

----- CL_Shutdown -----

RE_Shutdown( 1 )

Shutting down OpenGL subsystem

...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success

...deleting GL context: success

...releasing DC: success

...destroying window

...resetting display

...shutting down QGL

...unloading OpenGL DLL


Unsupported marker type 0xde



I was just wondering if any of you had some ideas as to what might be causing this, and what type of solution there is for the problem...


Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much...

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