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Favorite Star wars moment

Guest Kuma

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When darth vader destroys the emperor.

When luke skywalker destroys the death star

When the stormtrooper says 'look sir, droids'

When qui-gon ginn tries to mind-trick watto.

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Movies: When Luke walks out on Tatooine and you see the setting suns. That was a brilliant shot.


Books: When i found out thst the secret prison of Issard was really on Coruscant and was an SSD. I couldn't put the book down. I stayed up till like 2:00 reading that.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Books: When i found out thst the secret prison of Issard was really on Coruscant and was an SSD. I couldn't put the book down. I stayed up till like 2:00 reading that.


Oh man!:eek: I forgot about that. Yeah that would be at least ONE of mine. When it hit that part I never put the book down. I Finished it quickly and still on the rush I picked up the next book off the shelf and read 2/3 of it that night. Rogue series was a GREAT series. I hope they continue it after NJO is done. Maybe including Jaina in the Squadron too.:)

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Guest Admiral viper
when Gen. Veers was in the at-at and the darth vader holo pops up and veers says "the sheild will be down in moments


yeah that seen and when the emperor is like your feeble skills r no match for the power of the darkside!

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The battle scene with Darth Maul against 2 Jedi is one of mine, the battle at hoth also and the liberation of Han Solo from Jabba. Hard to pick only one.


A lot of other stuff to, when Luke learns who is father is or when Princess lea says to Han Solo that she loves him before he gets frozen and Han answers "I Know".


As for the books, there is a lot also...I will come back to that

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I love the entire podrace sequence, plus the whole battle of Endor! They should have a podrace in Episode II or III, maybe Sebulba could challenge Anakin to a rematch and they could race one-on-one. :D


Also, I die laughing every time I watch Ep IV and see the Storm Trooper walk right into the top of the door! :D

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Guest Darth_Venage

movies: Maul's fight is sweet, but i love in ESB when solo manuevers the Falcon and the SDs almosty crash. Those cartwheels were sweet!!!

Books: I've only read one SW book(yes I know a sin! I'm sorry:( )

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