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The Residents

Darth Eggplant

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I found two cool Resident sites

on the web, and wow, that band has

been around for a very long time.

please 'Jofa' educate me as to

why the three dancing eyeballs are

brown eye, green eye and blue eye?

and then there is the skeleton dude!

he is like right out of

mexican\aztec\mayan calavera skull stuff.

very tres GF-esque.

the sites are as follows they are cool.

The Moles Present...The Residents

and then this one

RzWeb guide to the Residents

I think I will have to start

checking out the Residents.

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Darth, the reason why they wore the masks are because they wanted people to recognize them for their music instead of for who they are. They don't want their lives in the newspaper, just their music. They had plenty of costumes but then they had those eyeballs and they got recognized as that so it just stuck with them.


actually in the early days, the skull did have an eye(which was red) but it got stolen and he had no money for another one so he got that.


Wormwood is the album I suggest for their new stuff. but their older stuff(which is incredibly weird) you want to get Duck Stab.

Commercial Album is also an interesting earlier album where there are 40 one-minute long songs on the album.


They seem like smart people. They have an entire album which is ceremonial Eskimo music. And their lyrics are very deep and are on many levels. The album I mentioned earlier, Wormwood, the songs are all based on the bible stories they thought were disturbing.


The Residents aren't for everybody. Give them a chance anyway. If you like Primus, you'll probaby like these guys. Primus got a lot of inspiration from the Residents.


RzWeb (http://www.residents.com) is a good site for their history and stuff. The Mole Pages(http://www.theresidents.co.uk) are better for their current events, like thier current tour, I may see them in San Fransisco I hope.

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hey your web link

are the same as mine.

I think I would like to try

Freak Show

Having a Bad Day (bad day at midway)

and Gingerbread man


I was told by a Mole that

Residents Deluxe or

something.. was alsoa good sample

I will have to see if I can get their

music online as mp3's

buying albums (cd's)

is just out of my financial situation

these days. getting a copy of

Tierra de los Muertos

was my one big fun purchase

for the rest of this year.

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spent a day doing the record shop hop.

and you what I found? The Residents

don't live here. I went to many stores

most of them in the Indie scene,

and they did not have any Residents.


*I did not get to Queen street,

Toronto Mecca for the:

"I wear black ,therefore that makes

me an individual."*


I will have to try next week,

just to see if I can find anywhere

that The Residents live.

I mean Sig Sig Sputnik,

now there was a band???

and yet you can find their stuff.

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Yeah I can't find 'em in stores either. A really cheap place to buy their CDs online is http://www.astropitch.com and go to the Residents section. They have all their stuff there. And like for 4 bucks less than they do at cdnow.


I can find some stuff in stores, but most of the stuff is the stuff I don't like anyway(I have to admit that I haven't liked all the stuff I've heard or have. They really hop around their sound because they like to expirament a lot, and occasionally the an experament fails. So don't just judge from only one Residents cd. Their are some I just downright hate. Its still better that Sig Sig Sputnick though.)

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I mentioned Sputnik only to state

that a (band?) like that gets shelf

space and yet a band which has

30 years behind them get none.


also emusic is ??? first time

I tried to get an account I entered

email and user name and password,

and then they locked me out saying;

sorry invalid etc. then I went back

in with different email etc and it

took me to credit card page,

unfortunate because they did as you

said have Residents stuff and I have

4 albums I was going to sample from.


I will have to see if winmx has stuff

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there, ghostwhite

*sorry no limegreen*

is this a more

acceptable colour?

*actually I thought Metallus

was the only intolerant Mod

on this forum;

guess I was wrong.


If the Mods on this forum

don't want forum members posting

or having a choice of posting

choices available to them,

ie size, font, colour;

than remove the options.

otherwise, very bad form

using your priveledge

as a Mod to alter or edit

one of my posts.


Very well

Metallus and you

get your wish,

this is my last post ever

on the GFN. hope your happy.

enjoy your compu-cliche-geekdom

in peace and quiet.

to all forum members I met,

and enjoyed talking to

hope you still email and icq me

if you feel like it.

good luck 8 with your site,

I will still listen in.

and any GF fan wanting to visit

Calaverablanca you are still

welcomed to visit.


Tall Guy I am keeping your link

alive at my site and 8 of 12's

the rest plus linking to GFN

I am removing.

cheers to you Tall Guy.

you and 8 and xGrimx

are great mods.

enjoyed all your help

and enjoyed chatting with

you online.


keep in touch Gendo anytime.

you too Lateralis and Sanspoof.

and Isis, and anyone else.

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Holloween I'm gonna go as an everyday normal person. Scary, huh?


But to keep the subject of the thread, Yeah I'm dissapointed in my account to emusic because I am paying for it and it is ripping me off. Sure, there's a lot of residents CDs but all the other stuff is crap. No good records 'cept one Cradle of Filth CD. Its only 10 bucks a month though.


Yeah residents are playing at the Warfield in San Fransisco on Holloween. Go if you live there. Go or die, cause their awesome live.

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