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Another bug in 1.04? Surprise, surprise...


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ok we don't know how it looks but one thing is clear: the mp code is not very well written and it seems they did not have enough time to make it good. on the other side the sp part was obviously more important, and it's not such a pain in the ass to make it good. mp is more complicated and one has to please bitchy players...

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

i agree but i don't know if they are allowed. mabe there is a license agreement with id software that the exe code does not get released. u can't just release the whole source code for the wohle engine...i think...


Actually, I wasn't referring to the executable code. I know that Id has no plans to release that anytime soon. What I'm hoping that Raven will release is the single-player code and the animation file tools so that new animations can be made. Those are the most major problems with jk2 modding right now.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

Actually, I wasn't referring to the executable code. I know that Id has no plans to release that anytime soon. What I'm hoping that Raven will release is the single-player code and the animation file tools so that new animations can be made. Those are the most major problems with jk2 modding right now.


The SP code is tied in to the EXE, which contains the engine code, that's the main reason they can't release it.

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Originally posted by Darth Loki


Shouldn't the Bowcasters shots be pushable, since it supposedly fires metal bolts coated in energy?


That's according to EU stuff. If you watch RotJ, Chewie's Bowcaster acts and sounds like a standard blaster. In addition, he obviously doesn't manually **** it because he's able to fire two bolts within a sec or so. Heck, I don't think the thing even USES the bow part for anything. (I don't remember if it actually moved or not when he fired.)

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Originally posted by Emon

1. I think people are very ungreatful around here. Do you know what LEC gave the community for JK? A very small patch that fixed unnoticable joystick problems, practically jack ****! It was cualk full of all sorts of imbalances in MP. Lightsaber combat, Force powers, weapons, all horribly imbalanced.


I ditto that sentiment. I'm glad that Raven made us such a wonderful game to play/mod with. Sure, they COULD release more modding tools (which would be great), but we can live with what we got. :)

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