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What the community wants...


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OK BOFH. Here goes. You think I am so opposed to JediPLUS, but here is the truth. The community likes it. Most of it. I speak for a good chunk of the people who come here when I say that you just put yourself ahead of the community. Here's a good example:


RandomPerson: BOFH, can you put jetpack, admin commands, jedimod, and grappling hooks in...and also make jetpacks run off of force...


BOFH: Sure. It's all in JediPlus 9.0, along with multicolor sabers, uber-force powers, if you are an admin you can become invincible and throw lightning for insane periods of time. Oh, and as a bonus I didn't offer the choice to download your own hilts, you have to download the useless ones I feel you should have.


RandomPerson: Well, can't you just take out black sabers (which look totally gay), incredibly stupid admin functions (amgod? come on), and let us download our own custom models?


BOFH: No, because for some odd reason I feel the need to add everything I THINK the community wants in a mod, instead of making anything useful.


So you see, BOFH. We don't hate the mod. We hate the way you are making it. We don't respect you at all. Matter of fact, if you were any REAL coder you would listen to both the good and bad things that the community wants and put them in there. Take out double Maul-Sabers. Take out all the useless colors (especially the changing core colors). Take out the pot-leaf saberhilt. Take out admin commands that are really only their for admins on power trip. Add admin commands that really help, similar to the commands in adminmod.


You really want to innovate? Study Dest's JediMod source some more and find a way to make double blasters, or do new and interesting things. Changing everything to the way you want it to be isn't contributing something to the community. Especially when you do stuff like add incredibly GAY saber sounds to the mod, then tell people to e-mail you if they want a patched version.

NO. That is not the answer. Just take the damn sounds out, or release them in a separate PK3. Not everyone wants what you want.


So there you have it. The top reasons why many despise your efforts to 'please the community'.


A good 80% of that mod isn't even yours. So instead of plaguing everyone with that attitude you carry around, how about doing something useful with the coding skills you claim to have?


Oh, and no backdoors either. Not even if you were just f**kin' around.

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hm i missed the downloadlink for the admin mod sourcecode so i assume he did it by himself. i tried to contact the author of vulcanus but never got an answer. i guess its this stupid german vs dutch thing...for some reason they hate germans...

so it could be possible that this little bastard® just gave his code out to bofh. however nobody needs admin commands if he can ban people for real. it wasn't working against those hardcore lamers who kept connecting and faking nicks and doing whatever could annoy us. but thats history no because everyone has his own account with his own password, adminmod? what for heh...


lets not make this thread a closed one too. now many people are aware of this issue and we should try to discuss it so we could come to a sullution or a conclusion in the end.

obviously bofh has much time and energy to spend on "coding". we do not think that he can't code shît but his ways are not of the wisest...

there is one reason many of us are here: jk2 sux because raven obviously had not planned to release a multiplayer title with a singleplayer mode. their main goal was to sell as many copies with a singleplayer title and thats documented in the source code and in the differences between the sp part and that crapy mp part. it has just been done quickly and without much effort to make it good, so it seems. and i talked to coders like jaii der herr, who comfirmed this fact. so we should try to make things better. there are still bugs out there and even conceptional errors which require code to be rewritten and new ideas to be realised. instead of adding quintuple sabers in the next jediminus release, he and other coders should think about the gameplay as it is now. i know that many coders are already into total conversions and stuff but there are still people like bofh who are not trying to change everything from scratch but adding little things to use now and not in 3 month "when it's done". thats my oppinion like it was at the beginning of this forum. lets discuss things like grownups, we all are here because we want to improve our favourite game...

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for your reference:




Saber/Model Scaling: Tchouky - per Tchouky himself, BOFH is no longer allowed to use this is future releases of JediPLUS.


Double Sabers - Dest


70% admin commands - Dest


Jetpack - Team Assault


Way to do emotes - Dest


30% admin commands - BOFH


So you see, barely anything in this mod can be considered 'original' or 'innovative'...as it is just 3 or 4 mods thrown together, with barely anything done by the coder himself.


What happened to Hydroball? That was new and intuitive. Lack of support from the guys that coded it is what killed it. If they would have continued, that would have been one of the best mods out there.


As for me, I am working (trying to get other coders to help as well) on my own MP mod that will hopefully breath new life into the community. I'm not speaking a word on it until I have a team though...so hopefully I will get some interest and recruit some good coders to check the code and help me understand it more. I specifically needed to speak to the authors of Jetpack...because they were very close in doing what I wanted to do.


On a side note, the only thing saving this game right now are all the TCs out there for SP ^_^.


On another side note - Andy - you seem to think I opened the JediPLUS - Don't download - topic here because you locked the other one. Nope. Posted all three in different boards to spread the word faster. I didn't intend for them to end up the way they did, but this thread should not be locked. No one is trying to bash anyone, we're trying to bring the jk2 community from the hell it has been placed in.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Saber/Model Scaling: Tchouky - per Tchouky himself, BOFH is no longer allowed to use this is future releases of JediPLUS.


well i said that cause i was really pissed off by bofh's attitude...

however, that won't change anything cause we all know that he won't remove those features or recode them...

so i don't really care...

he can use my code the way he wants to...

i only hope he won't make things even worse than they are right now...

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yeah the sp mods. i can't think of something more useless!

so people will play it one, two or even three times. but thats it, nothing more like all single player games too. and i am not a multiplayer junkie, otherwise i wouldn't be here but all over SWG or ever quest and stuff.

Jaii der Herr did some realy good work with Duel_SE and helped alot to improve multiplayer for us(we got a league in the alpha testing and 2 servers). but now he is back at his sp mod and won't have time for our mod.

there are to few good coders out there and most of them are working for some projects which are sp only or a TC which lasts for eternity to make...

and what do we have left? tell me? because i see only bofh rightnow and that's darkening my mind...

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