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How do i turn dismemberment in MP on?


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1. open the console (by holding left shift then pressing ~ key on American keyboard or the key next to the 1 on British keyboard)


2. type in cg_dismember 100


3. press enter


4. close the console (by pressing ~ or key next to 1 again)


5. proceed to watching people get sliced in half :D

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Originally posted by wassup

1. open the console (by holding left shift then pressing ~ key on American keyboard or the key next to the 1 on British keyboard)


2. type in cg_dismember 100


3. press enter


4. close the console (by pressing ~ or key next to 1 again)


5. proceed to watching people get sliced in half :D


you also have to type "g_dismember 100" into the console

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