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Where to get a free codec to encode cut-scenes in commercial games?


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I've been thinking about how to handle cut-scenes. Movies tend to grow very big and I want to keep my game to a downloadable size.


So I thought about using a compression codec, like the infamous mpeg4 codec DivX.


The problem is that you can't sell games with DivX encoded material (says the DivX license) without paying for it.


My question: Does anyone know about a similar codec which is free to use even in commercial applications?



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I don't think so, Erwin.

Since it's included with Windows....and made by Intel...


I found this article about it;


Instead, most developers used Radius' free Cinepak codec, or Indeo, another free codec developed by Intel to provide a high quality video experience for its 486 and early Pentium computers.


or it's official site; http://www.cinepak.com/

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Originally posted by jannar85

Well, either that or you have to pay for that DivX codec.

Not many people have that codec either, so it's a few flaws in it.


That's not a flaw at all! You can install the codec during (or after) installation of the game.


The Xvid codec seems to be the best choice now, because it's mpeg4 (like DivX) and it's free :)



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