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Favorite Star Wars phrase


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Ok, i've got a few


"Use the Force, Luke!" duh ;)


"No, you have failed your Highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."


"Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?"


"Feel, don't think."


"Fear leads to anger, andger leads to hate, hate....leads to suffering."


"What a wonderfull smell you've discovered!"

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Guest Admiral Odin

"Kiss my wookie"


"I rather kiss a wookie"


"Strong in the force I am, but not that strong"


I can't think of the one the emperor said "your faith in your friends is your weakness" I think.


"I am a jedi, like my father before me"

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Guest Gamma732

"You may fire when ready." - Tarkin


"Wipe them out. All of them." - Darth Sidious


"We don't have time to discuss this with the committee!" - Han (Yeah, I know I probably messed that one up)

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1. When the Jawas say "Hootini!" and "Here comes the window


2. "Why you scruffy-looking...nerf herder!"- Princess Leia (I can't

believe I'm the first to say that one!)

3. "De Jabba no bodda."- Bib Fortuna

4. "Han me boogie!"- Jabba the Hutt

5. In RotJ, when C3P0 is talking to Boussh and Bib Fortuna just

walks up out of the blue and says, "He's gay!" Who is? Jabba

or C3P0? Oh, well it's really funny!

6. I also like the classic, "Luke, I am your Father!" and "NOOOO!"

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