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Pushable objects


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Yes, objects that you can use the Force on make maps fun (like the carbon-freezing chamber level from MotS).


I wish I knew how to though. It was probably done via scripting in the SP levels, and I know nothing of that (maybe it's about time I learned).




If anyone has any input on how to do this, please help.


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

easiest way to move something back-n-forth, is to make it a door, point it the way you want, set as force_activate


i just do SP, so if this is for MP, sorry.


MP sucks after 1.03 came out, anyway.


shaqx in pointed out the download:

Doing - Force Influenced Objects (TUTdgForceInfObjects.zip) which shows what idontlikegeorge said in detail. Unfortunately, it looks like it might be all but impossible in Multiplayer.


As for 1.03 making MP suck, I wouldn't know. I'm on a 56K (I'm Mr. 999 Ping :))

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